Institutional Repositories · 29
Please describe other purpose.
Selected Comments from Respondents
Have an IR
“To test faculty willingness and staff ability to use IR.”
“To determine the scope of interest across the institution.”
“To build an early-adopter community.”
“To test campus interest.”
“[To] seed the repository with content before going public.”
“[To] gather data for a business plan.”
“To craft a list of desired and required features and functionalities in an optimal IR software.”
“To test viability of infrastructure to support descriptive and dissemination needs of diversified collection and
asset types.”
“To build support.”
“To identify issues and to determine the feasibility of providing electronic access to theses.”
Planning an IR
“[To] determine community willingness to submit materials and identify technical issues.”
“To prototype external workflows.”
“To build an initial collection of resources to demonstrate value when the IR goes into production.”
“To prepare a list of file types we will support and other policies.”
“To demonstrate impact of viable IR solution to secure long-term institutional and budgetary support.”
“To increase awareness and generate support.”
7. Projects of this scale typically require a group (team, committee, task force, etc.) for the initial
planning and implementation stages. Did/will your institution appoint a project group to plan
and/or implement the IR? N=66
Yes 61 92% 34 92% 27 93%
No 5 8% 3 8% 2 7%
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