40 · SPEC Kit 301
“Liaison services administration is shared by two administrators: the Assistant University Librarians for Public
Services and Collection Development.”
“Liaisons reports to Branch Directors but are supported by organization-wide Coordinators for Reference,
Instructions &Info Literacy, Collections development, Web Management Committee, and Access Services.”
“Monitored by department head or supervisor of each liaison, with some involvement from subject teams.”
“Most of our liaison librarians work in one of two libraries. One of these is a library for the social sciences and
humanities, another is for engineering, science, and math. We also have branch libraries specializing in maps
and GIS, architecture, and optometry. Each branch has a liaison librarian who is also a manager of the branch.
Those librarians who are not in branches report to a department head.”
“One department coordinates activities for ‘general collections’ liaisons.”
“Primarily at branch/unit level. Some special events may be coordinated centrally.”
“Self-administered although goals are in their job descriptions and are therefore accountable (i.e., through
gathering statistics on service interactions) to the Scholarly Resources Department. There is some coordination
in the department to bring consistency, but there is a large variety of ways services are executed.”
“Self-administered by each liaison and/or by each library, depending.”
“Supervised by the Assistant Director for Collections and User Services.”
“The Education and Instruction Coordinator coordinates instructional liaison. For collection development,
Collection Development librarians have decided the extent of their liaison work in the past. In the future, there
will be specific performance standards for this work.”
“Varies by campus library and all fall within the first three choices.”
“We have three ‘clusters’: humanities/social sciences, arts &media, sciences &education. Each of those has a
Evaluation of Liaison Services
15. Has there been any formal evaluation of the effectiveness of liaison services? N=61
Yes 30 49%
No 31 51%
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