Liaison Services · 23
“Redeveloping — as part of strategic planning — and thus strengthening the role of liaisons.”
“Seek faculty participation on library strategic planning committees, library staff award committees, etc.”
“Special programs and collaborations.”
“Systematically contact new faculty and grad students faculty and graduate student orientation meetings
actively building professional relationships with stakeholders honoring the faculty program encouraging
departments to form library sub-committees.”
“The library has a Promotion Committee that supports subject librarians’ efforts to liaise with academic
“We are constantly trying new and multiple ways to reach everyone in person and in every format and access
“We encourage liaisons to be in contact with department chairs and faculty members. Some liaisons also
produce a newsletter for their departments.”
“We have a Liaison Advisory Team and other library teams that host events for faculty and others on campus
that raise the profile of the library and of liaison support, e.g., workshops on library support for e-learning.”
“We include expectations for liaison services in the goals in the annual evaluations of liaison librarians.”
“Work with new faculty on new faculty awards, personal contact.”
Selected Comments from Respondents N=11
“All departments are different. Liaisons always seek ways to increase communication and activities with
departments, but the libraries as a whole do not have a collective strategy.”
“Departmental participation varies significantly.”
“Many of our librarians are over-extended and have been at practical limits for some time in the services
that they can provide. Most of our liaisons deal with approximately 100 faculty and 1,000 students and
have regular jobs in addition to being a liaison. Liaison expectations can be insatiable and new roles emerge
constantly so we attempt to be careful in managing expectations.”
“Outreach goes beyond the faculty departments to integration in programs such as First Year Experience,
athletics, and student services such as residence halls.”
“Participation levels vary among departments the assigned liaison is always looking for ways to increase
“Please note that liaison activities vary, and that liaison work is more direct in the libraries which are located
within the departments and/or schools they serve: Law, Music, Architecture/Planning. Librarians in the Health
Sciences and Arts &Sciences Libraries need to be more creative and proactive in developing ways to reach
“Reference will not be the major responsibility of liaisons, rather liaison, instruction, and outreach.”
“Redeveloping — as part of strategic planning — and thus strengthening the role of liaisons.”
“Seek faculty participation on library strategic planning committees, library staff award committees, etc.”
“Special programs and collaborations.”
“Systematically contact new faculty and grad students faculty and graduate student orientation meetings
actively building professional relationships with stakeholders honoring the faculty program encouraging
departments to form library sub-committees.”
“The library has a Promotion Committee that supports subject librarians’ efforts to liaise with academic
“We are constantly trying new and multiple ways to reach everyone in person and in every format and access
“We encourage liaisons to be in contact with department chairs and faculty members. Some liaisons also
produce a newsletter for their departments.”
“We have a Liaison Advisory Team and other library teams that host events for faculty and others on campus
that raise the profile of the library and of liaison support, e.g., workshops on library support for e-learning.”
“We include expectations for liaison services in the goals in the annual evaluations of liaison librarians.”
“Work with new faculty on new faculty awards, personal contact.”
Selected Comments from Respondents N=11
“All departments are different. Liaisons always seek ways to increase communication and activities with
departments, but the libraries as a whole do not have a collective strategy.”
“Departmental participation varies significantly.”
“Many of our librarians are over-extended and have been at practical limits for some time in the services
that they can provide. Most of our liaisons deal with approximately 100 faculty and 1,000 students and
have regular jobs in addition to being a liaison. Liaison expectations can be insatiable and new roles emerge
constantly so we attempt to be careful in managing expectations.”
“Outreach goes beyond the faculty departments to integration in programs such as First Year Experience,
athletics, and student services such as residence halls.”
“Participation levels vary among departments the assigned liaison is always looking for ways to increase
“Please note that liaison activities vary, and that liaison work is more direct in the libraries which are located
within the departments and/or schools they serve: Law, Music, Architecture/Planning. Librarians in the Health
Sciences and Arts &Sciences Libraries need to be more creative and proactive in developing ways to reach
“Reference will not be the major responsibility of liaisons, rather liaison, instruction, and outreach.”