Liaison Services · 27
“Librarians with collection development responsibilities also have liaison responsibilities.”
“Librarians with collection development responsibility.”
“Librarians with extensive administrative or technical duties are not assigned liaison responsibility.”
“Librarians with good communication skills, a knowledge of the library and its collections and services, a
knowledge of publishing and technology trends, and a solid knowledge of national developments in higher
education and the library profession.”
“Librarians with liaison responsibilities are in the public services (reference, outreach, instruction) areas.
Liaison responsibilities are usually determined by an individual’s academic background and/or personal
“Most department heads and some faculty are not assigned liaison responsibilities due to heavy workloads or
expressed preferences.”
“Only librarians (faculty and subject specialists) in our Research and Instruction Division are official liaisons
others may help out.”
“Only those working in the health sciences libraries.”
“People with subject selection responsibilities also have liaison responsibilities to the same departments.”
“Primarily, librarians in the public services functional area only.”
“Public services librarians do this work.”
“Public services librarians, collection services, preservationists, and administrators.”
“Public services librarians: reference librarians, branch librarians, special collections librarians, head of
collection development.”
“Selection depends on interest, willingness to serve and subject expertise. We allow staff members to be
liaison assistants as their subject expertise and interest allows. They work with the liaisons in various roles.”
“Some librarians: public service divisions/branches (reference/instruction/liaison).”
“Some positions, such as the Outreach/PR librarian, the Diversity Librarian, the Systems Librarians, etc., do not
formally work with academic departments. They may, however, actively participate in outreach efforts to other
campus units.”
“Subject background if possible (or willingness to learn), awareness of issues in collection development and
scholarly communication, interest in the assignment (this may be a partial assignment for a librarian with other
duties), ability to communicate with faculty and students informally, in meetings and in classroom situations.”
“Subject background.”
“Subject expertise, level of interest, and to some extent whether primary assignment is in public services.”
“Subject focus of collections, reference/instruction, or branch management role.”
“Subject knowledge. Supervisors’ assessment of candidate’s potential to do well: ability to multitask, good
communication skills, ability to learn on the job.”
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