Liaison Services · 25
Liaison Responsibility Assignment
7. Please indicate which library staff have been assigned liaison responsibilities. Check all that
apply. N=61
All librarians 2 3%
Most librarians 3 5%
Some librarians 56 92%
Other professionals 13 21%
Support staff 12 20%
Other 4 7%
If most librarians are assigned liaison responsibility, please explain the selection criteria. N=3
“Interest subject knowledge availability instruction skills public service ethic.”
“Those that do not have liaison areas are: technical services librarians administrative librarians special role
librarians, e.g., government documents, e-learning, Web (those who are not responsible for collections).”
“Those who have the appropriate subject expertise. Of the 58 librarians, perhaps 5 do not have liaison
responsibilities at this time.”
If only some librarians are assigned liaison responsibility, please explain the selection criteria.
“A. Position type. B. Departmental request. C. New service models.”
“All librarians who have collection development responsibilities are liaisons. (Some librarians in technical
services do not have liaison responsibilities.) Assistant Head, Access Services is liaison to campus bookstore.”
“All librarians assigned to Subject Teams are also assigned liaison responsibilities.”
“All librarians engaged in reference, instruction, and collection development activities in the main and branch
libraries are involved in liaison responsibilities. Others are selected because they have experience or education
that lends itself to specialization or they volunteer to participate and have the approval of their supervisor.”
“All librarians in the Scholarly Resources Department are Subject Librarians. These individuals all have liaison
responsibilities. There are librarians in other departments who do not have this responsibility.”
“All public service librarians.”
“All public service librarians have responsibility for collections, instruction, and reference in either an assigned
subject area (relates to departmental or college assignment) or a functional area such as archives.”
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