34 · SPEC Kit 301
administrative units on campus to deliver services to off-campus locations.”
“Responding to questions as they arise providing tours and demonstrations investigating complaints and/
or questions such as ones involving status of loans—sometimes required referral to appropriate persons/units
elsewhere in the library.”
“Responsibilities and services vary among the units. Liaison librarians in the Health Sciences Library do not
provide collection development services.”
“Scholarly communication education is anticipated, but is not yet common practice.”
“Some liaisons do all of this and some do only several of these activities.”
“Training research assistants, Accreditation procedures Partnerships/collaboration (grants, co-teaching, co-
programming) Special events, e.g., University Authors and Their Works Assessments of students’ IT skills (Life
“We develop and maintain Web-based subject guides.”
“Work with administration in the colleges.”
12. How do liaisons inform departments of services that they can offer? Check all that apply. N=61
Send information via e-mail 59 97%
Attend departmental meetings 58 95%
Meet with faculty individually 58 95%
New faculty orientation 58 95%
News on library’s homepage 55 90%
Promotional flyers, brochures, etc. sent to department 45 74%
Special events such as technology fairs 42 69%
Library newsletter 38 62%
Electronic discussion lists 37 61%
Blogs 34 56%
Promotional flyers, brochures, etc. in library 33 54%
Ads or articles in campus newspaper 26 43%
Other, please specify 18 30%
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