48 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
How to best physically secure items which need to be charged.
Things get broken (sometimes stolen).
When tools are lost/stolen.
Development of Policies/Procedures N=3
Establishing device and procedural standards campus-wide.
Inordinate amount of time and effort to develop policies and procedures around new tools and services.
Very difficult to systemize and scale initiatives.
Scheduling N=3
Availability of scheduling and circulation system.
Prioritize library classes over other campus classes desiring to use the library instruction classrooms.
Students frustrated when not able to access rooms when they need them.
Licensing and copyright and DRM.
Many of these tools are designed to be collaborative but not shared.
Additional Comments
22. Please submit any additional information regarding collaborative teaching and learning tools at
your institution that may assist the authors in accurately analyzing the results of the survey. N=14
Selected Comments from Respondents
We don’t use clickers in library classrooms because we use ABTutor polling or polleverywhere. Instructor’s computers
and many librarian computers have Camtasia Relay to record screens and audio. Formal and informal learning spaces
have modular and mobile furniture, which we find as significant as devices.
Each Collaborative Technology Lab has instructions on how to use the equipment.
I know that reference librarians have had discussions about bringing in equipment like iPads and ebook readers. I expect
that the acquisition of some of these learning tools will be considered over time.
Institutions that utilize collaborative teaching tools must be prepared to continually assess user needs libraries must
also keep pace with the evolving technology to keep from falling behind. Institutions that do not stay current with the
How to best physically secure items which need to be charged.
Things get broken (sometimes stolen).
When tools are lost/stolen.
Development of Policies/Procedures N=3
Establishing device and procedural standards campus-wide.
Inordinate amount of time and effort to develop policies and procedures around new tools and services.
Very difficult to systemize and scale initiatives.
Scheduling N=3
Availability of scheduling and circulation system.
Prioritize library classes over other campus classes desiring to use the library instruction classrooms.
Students frustrated when not able to access rooms when they need them.
Licensing and copyright and DRM.
Many of these tools are designed to be collaborative but not shared.
Additional Comments
22. Please submit any additional information regarding collaborative teaching and learning tools at
your institution that may assist the authors in accurately analyzing the results of the survey. N=14
Selected Comments from Respondents
We don’t use clickers in library classrooms because we use ABTutor polling or polleverywhere. Instructor’s computers
and many librarian computers have Camtasia Relay to record screens and audio. Formal and informal learning spaces
have modular and mobile furniture, which we find as significant as devices.
Each Collaborative Technology Lab has instructions on how to use the equipment.
I know that reference librarians have had discussions about bringing in equipment like iPads and ebook readers. I expect
that the acquisition of some of these learning tools will be considered over time.
Institutions that utilize collaborative teaching tools must be prepared to continually assess user needs libraries must
also keep pace with the evolving technology to keep from falling behind. Institutions that do not stay current with the