12 · Survey Results: Executive Summary
institution. Similarly, more than half the respondents
reported having audio recording aids at the library (34
responses or 55%). Several (11 or 18%) reported that
other locations on campus have these devices.
Thirty institutions (49%) reported they currently
offer or plan to offer interactive whiteboards. These
collaborative tools are available elsewhere at 11 insti-
tutions (18%), but 20 others (33%) reported that they
do not plan to offer this tool. Although interactive
whiteboards are used in libraries and throughout sev-
eral reporting institutions, interactive learning centers
(touch tables) that use comparable technologies are
only available or will be available at 15 libraries (25%).
The specialized nature of content to optimize use of a
tool, such as GIS, may contribute to its low response
rate. A tool commonly associated with the interac-
tive whiteboard—the audience response system with
clickers—is or will be in place at 29 institutions (48%),
with an average of 120 clickers at each owning library.
Twenty-three respondents reported that audience re-
sponse systems are being used at locations other than
the library. One institution commented that ABTutor
or polleverywhere served as an alternative to the au-
dience response system.
Handheld videoconferencing devices such as web-
cams are offered or will be offered at 14 of the report-
ing institutions (23%), with an average of 32 units, and
one respondent commented that some tablet comput-
ers and laptops are equipped with a built-in camera
with audio and video capability since this capability
enables use for videoconferencing purposes, pur-
chase of standalone devices was deemed unnecessary.
Thirty-six institutions (61%) currently offer or will
offer videoconferencing systems. Few libraries offer
their patrons gaming systems (eight institutions or
13% with an average of four units each) and personal
digital assistants are no longer popular (three institu-
tions or 5%).
Thirty respondents reported they support a
variety of other devices, electronics, systems, and
workspaces to allow creation, viewing, and editing
of information. Viewing devices are mentioned most
frequently monitors and projectors allow a larger
group of users to work together without having to
crowd around a small monitor. Nine institutions
(30%) have anywhere from two to “dozens” of display
monitors (LCD and plasma). Eight have between two
and 25 projectors (portable to larger data projectors).
An alternative to a single, large display is collaborative
workspace offered by Steelcase. Mentioned in eight of
30 responses (27%), this media:scape workstation sys-
tem is described as providing a “collaborative seating
arrangement [with] a large screen monitor and table
for laptops that connect.” media:scape allows users to
shift quickly between displays of connected laptops
and other devices such as an iPad. Responding insti-
tutions had as few as one station and as many as 20
at some libraries.
Several institutions offer other computer electron-
ics such as scanners, drawing tablets, and various
storage media. Headphones (three institutions own-
ing a range of 16 to 60 units) and microphones (six
institutions ranging from three to 37 units each) vary
from very basic to professional quality. Smaller acces-
sories necessary to optimize use of computing and
productivity tools (such as adapters and cables) are
noted to be available in “kits” or as standalone items
to be used in the library.
Reference to multimedia production was in con-
nection to technology-rich spaces within the librar-
ies, sometimes referred to as information commons,
media centers, or knowledge commons. One library
reported jointly administering the spaces with institu-
tional/campus technology departments and reported
those holdings. Among the equipment frequently
maintained for video and audio production are digital
cameras (ranging from four to 18 units each at seven
institutions) and accessories, including tripods. One
respondent explained, “[providing] editing facilities
[is] used to integrate media from our collection into
academic projects. In addition to using found footage
and content in digital productions, our users can also
create new content using the digital still and video
cameras, audio recorders, and accessories like light-
ing and microphones.” Audio players, video editing
equipment, and video conversion tools, audio editing
equipment, imaging technology, music keyboard and
mixing boards, transcription kit, and 3-D modeling
and animation equipment were reported as available
by at least one institution. Appropriate software pack-
ages to use these tools are installed when necessary.
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