SPEC Kit 328: Collaborative Teaching and Learning Tools · 41
Provide patrons opportunities for exploration and practice using new technologies.
Removes cost barrier for entry to experimentation.
Students and instructors can experiment with new tools.
Students can test out new technologies like the Kindle and iPad.
The library is the only source of these tools for some students.
The opportunity to encounter and use new forms of technology for the first time.
We provide opportunities for use of these tools not available anywhere else on campus.
Provides skill development for users N=14
Access to technology for workplace skill development.
Allows staff to be abreast of the latest technology.
Closely tied to various kinds of longer run academic and professional success, within a 21st century knowledge discovery
Creates opportunities for Library staff to assist students, staff and faculty in the new ways they now use, manipulate,
analyze and share information.
E-readers &tablet computers raise levels of student technology skills.
Helps students academically and improves their skills for future entrance into the work force.
Library faculty and staff get familiar with these technologies as well.
Opportunity for students to use materials they will encounter in their post-educational work lives.
Prepares students for the workplace.
Provides students with valuable skill-sets that will make their resumes and grad school applications more competitive.
Provides users with practical experience in using the types of technologies and work methods utilized by employers.
Students can gain skills in technology and collaboration.
Students gain experience in technology-mediated collaboration.
We experiment in order to do what we do even better, making us campus experts.
Provides convenience and flexibility N=13
Allows for better support of distance and online learning activities.
Allows instructors to take lessons beyond the traditional classroom setting.
Allows library staff to connect with remote users.
Check-out laptops let students take a laptop to class without having to carry one to campus.
Convenient location for users to check out the tools in the library.
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