SPEC Kit 328: Collaborative Teaching and Learning Tools · 29
We use a library-wide Oracle Calendar to schedule and reserve equipment.
We use a scheduling and circulation system called WebCheckout developed by OnShore Development.
Decision Drivers
6. Please indicate the main drivers that influenced your library’s decision to make these tools available
to users. Check all that apply. N=62
User request 54 87%
Recommendation from a library committee/staff 52 84%
Collaboration with another unit/department in the institution 36 58%
Included as part of an information commons 34 55%
Ancillary benefit of another library initiative 13 21%
Included as part of a grant-funded program 11 18%
Provided/donated by a commercial vendor 3 5%
Other decision driver 19 31%
Please specify the other decision driver. N=19
Best practices/trends 4
Student survey/input 3
Faculty or college collaboration 2
University/library initiative 2
Donations 2
Improved wireless coverage 2
Student Technology Fee 2
Library staff recommendation 2
Perceived university need 1
Encourage play and skills development 1
Review of student blogs 1
Outside consultants 1
Selected Comments
Part of the library’s proactive support for integrating media into the curriculum.
Video games recommended by a staff member as an experiment, noting that many language learners had posted
information on blogs about their usefulness.
We brainstormed progressive tools and are making them available for students. We asked students what kind of tools
We use a library-wide Oracle Calendar to schedule and reserve equipment.
We use a scheduling and circulation system called WebCheckout developed by OnShore Development.
Decision Drivers
6. Please indicate the main drivers that influenced your library’s decision to make these tools available
to users. Check all that apply. N=62
User request 54 87%
Recommendation from a library committee/staff 52 84%
Collaboration with another unit/department in the institution 36 58%
Included as part of an information commons 34 55%
Ancillary benefit of another library initiative 13 21%
Included as part of a grant-funded program 11 18%
Provided/donated by a commercial vendor 3 5%
Other decision driver 19 31%
Please specify the other decision driver. N=19
Best practices/trends 4
Student survey/input 3
Faculty or college collaboration 2
University/library initiative 2
Donations 2
Improved wireless coverage 2
Student Technology Fee 2
Library staff recommendation 2
Perceived university need 1
Encourage play and skills development 1
Review of student blogs 1
Outside consultants 1
Selected Comments
Part of the library’s proactive support for integrating media into the curriculum.
Video games recommended by a staff member as an experiment, noting that many language learners had posted
information on blogs about their usefulness.
We brainstormed progressive tools and are making them available for students. We asked students what kind of tools