36 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses 24. How frequently does your institution test and check the accessibility of the following library resources? N=64 Resource Category Weekly Monthly Biannually Annually Sporadically Never N Library website 9 13 3 8 27 2 62 Databases and other online/ electronic vendor products 2 2 0 6 34 14 58 Digital displays managed by library staff 2 2 1 2 27 24 58 Video captions 4 5 1 6 32 9 57 MultiMedia (i.e., video, audio, tutorials, etc.) 5 3 4 5 30 9 56 Library social media 4 3 0 2 28 19 56 Library created documents (i.e., handouts, presentations, etc.) 2 2 3 4 27 17 55 Total number of respondents 13 16 7 15 53 35 64 Comments N=26 Accessibility testing is a part of the regular workflow for creating pages and sites. According to the recommendations of the Libraries Working Group, they are meant to provide an “annual review of our accommodations,” although it is not clear if all of the above mentioned categories are part of that assessment. All new electronic resources go through process of review. All websites are checked thoroughly when developed. After that, everything is checked sporadically. At this time, we do not have a reliable method to alert those staff who check accessibility that resources have been added to our collection. Captioning, website are checked on an ongoing basis. For the above resources, accessibility would be considered at the time of creation, but isn’t necessarily being tested and checked afterwards. For our library WCMS page, we rely on campus IT for the ongoing accessibility checks as the content editor requires that content be entered in an accessible manner. For other third party applications (i.e., SFX pages, Primo) we do some checks and report any problems to the vendors to make changes where able. For videos and library created tutorials, we caption as we create. For website: we do monthly audits, but it’s not for every single webpage/site at the Libraries. For databases/e-resources: we deal with accessibility on a weekly basis but again, we don’t check ALL. Main campus IT tests/checks our website regularly I just don’t know how often it is done. New materials are tested as they are created. Existing materials are tested monthly. One library was interviewing a blind student on library web page accessibility. When the library added information about HathiTrust access for individuals with print disabilities, we worked with a blind student to determine the best workflow for requests. Plan to monitor website accessibility with new CMS. Some parts of our site are checked quarterly.
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