15 SPEC Kit 358: Accessibility and Universal Design 6. Please indicate how many workstations and spaces in your library have assistive technology. An approximate number is acceptable. N=59 Workstation/Space Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev N General public workstations 0 1700 175.31 97.00 288.39 48 Dedicated private workstations 0 335 11.90 2.00 52.56 40 Study carrels 0 10 2.17 0.50 3.31 24 Quiet rooms 0 100 6.22 1.00 18.95 36 Other physical location N=6 At service desk Reserveable study rooms The campus Disability Services office and the Assistive Technology and Accessibility Center are both located in the library building and they have specialized services and spaces. Twelve group study rooms are available by reservation to all students, located in the Learning Commons. Two study rooms are ADA compliant. Upon request, space can and has been made available. Please briefly describe any relevant information about these workstations and/or spaces. N=35 Again, the items noted above are all part of the Accessibility Lab, and the 10 in each are essentially the same thing and have a multi-purpose use. All incoming, self-identified users with disabilities are provided with individual orientations to the library’s facilities, including workstations, early in the fall term. Transfer students, students with new or temporary disabilities, etc. are introduced as requested. Upon request we make changes based on individual’s need, e.g., less light, task lighting, etc. All of our general public workstations have some assistive software installed as part of their generic images. The adjustable height workstations we provide are in our public area. We have no private dedicated workstations or workstations in our quiet study spaces or carrels. Those spaces are BYO. All of the libraries’ public access (non-staff ) workstations are managed by campus IT, so we are unable to provide information regarding assistive technology available to our users. All our library’s public computers have Jaws and Zoomtext installed on them. I’m not aware of any staff members who are assistive tech users at the moment, so the two computers listed here belong to my co-worker and me. Our assistive tech lab includes nine computers in study carrels with a full range of assistive technology installed on them. Finally, one computer that uses the same image as our lab computers is located in a closed-door private study room. All public PCs have Jaws. Private/dedicated ones have other accessibility software/hardware. All public workstations and checkout laptops have Kurzweil. Assistive technologies that are available as part of the standard Microsoft or Apple operating systems are available on all computers. To qualify the above numbers: we have two adjustable workstations that are open to the public. The main college library has two group study rooms that are ADA compliant (this does not include ALL of the university libraries). All carrels are adjustable as needed for ADA compliance.
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