18 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses For restroom answer: one men’s and one women’s restroom have automatic doors. It’s hard to answer this question accurately. For instance, the doors to our library staff meeting spaces, which often double as classrooms, mostly have levered handles, are 36” wide, and don’t require a lot of force to open or close. So, they’re accessible to most users. However, they don’t have automatic door openers and very little of the furniture in them is motorized height-adjustable. So, they’re accessible to most—but not all—users. For the purposes of this question, does that make them accessible or inaccessible? I have the same issue for shared tables, etc. Many of our smaller departmental libraries do not contain restrooms or water fountains, but accessible restrooms and water fountains are available in the buildings the libraries reside in. One of our departmental libraries is currently undergoing renovations that include creating an accessible service desk and an additional accessible emergency egress. Most instruction rooms have one adjustable table. One branch is historically protected space and cannot be made fully ADA compliant, especially in stacks areas. We use staff to provide access and retrieve materials. Our main library was designed in 1929 to be a closed stack library, and our stacks are horrendously inaccessible. We have plans to correct this, but it has a big price tag and we are looking for the funds. Per ADA requirements This is difficult to average between a variety of libraries on campus. Also, some places or stations are accessible in one way (have assistive technology), but might be behind a door that is inaccessible, so it is difficult to answer accurately. This question is difficult to answer because it varies depending on what kind of disability is being considered—someone with dyslexia vs someone with significant hearing loss vs someone in a wheelchair. For example, all of our service desks are accessible to patrons with dyslexia and those with hearing loss (and so on), but patrons using wheelchairs will find one service desk is at an accessible height for them. Undergoing renovation, and all new construction will be accessible. Unsure of what seating criteria are. Automatic doors leading to all exits, but not all fire exits. 1950’s building is an artifact of something we can’t do anything about. We have a variety of library settings—from one library in a building that is being completely renovated and will be ADA-compliant throughout, to one library in a building from the early 1900s that is extremely difficult to navigate for people with mobility issues due to size and age of the only elevator in the building. This elevator cannot be replaced as current elevators are too big for the space. While none of our stacks are accessible, we do offer paging services for all materials. While users in wheelchairs do use our carrels and computer terminals, they are not adjustable height. 8. How does a person with a disability obtain access to specialized workspace in the library? Check all that apply. N=65 Approach any service desk 47 72% Self service signage points users to the specialized workstations/spaces 32 49% Submit an online reservation for special workspace/equipment 15 23% Registered users with disabilities are issued a key to locked workspace 14 22% Approach a special service desk 13 20% Other method(s) 22 34%