25 SPEC Kit 358: Accessibility and Universal Design Telex Scholar DAISY & Learning Ally (was previously called RFB&D) compatible audio book CD player, 4-track tape player, telephone, typewriter, trackball mouse, and adaptive keyboards This would be managed by the campus office. Videophone, VRC and monitor 12. Some institutions make specialized equipment such as Braille printers available for their community members to borrow. Can users borrow specialized hardware and equipment owned by your institution? N=62 Yes, from the library 6 10% Yes, from another department 16 26% No 36 58% Under certain circumstances 12 19% Please briefly explain those circumstances. N=12 As I said above, the library loans items such as smart pens, digital recorders, and tablets so that students can try them before they buy them. We don’t loan our Braille embosser but we will do small print jobs for campus members. FM systems to enhance sound for those with hearing impairment. If possible, this would most likely be arranged by our Student Disability Access Center (non- library office). Items can be borrowed from the university’s Disability Services Department. Note regarding Yes, from another department: but located in the main library. Portable CCTV for classroom use Portable CCTV magnifier (for particular students) Students are supported by campus-wide office of Services for Students with Disabilities. They will provide software and hardware to registered users. The Accessibility Lab is dedicated to university students with disabilities. Those students may check out some equipment to take with them. Those from the community may use some of the equipment while in the lab if it is not busy, but they may not check out any equipment preference for equipment is given to the students. They may use the assistive technology room by request - community & alumni. UbiDuo 2: The UbiDuo allows individuals to chat in real time on wireless machines. Pocketalker PRO: personal amplification device that can be used to improve hearing. Simeon Soundfield: A sound field is a portable device that amplifies a person’s voice. The Simeon 500WU Duo model that the library has allows for two presenters to be able to broadcast over the sound system at once. The above equipment is available for users to borrow at the circulation desk. The AccessAbility department on campus has an Adaptive Equipment Loan program and loans digital recorders, FM listening systems, visual alert system, light therapy lamps, Live-scribe pens, software license for Kurzweil 3000. We can and do lend hardware on occasion to other departments in the university.