10 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses Request an appointment with a specialist by e-mail 54 81% Contact library administration 32 48% Request an appointment with a specialist online 24 36% Request an appointment with a specialist by text message 15 23% Approach a special service desk 11 16% Other method(s) 16 24% Please describe the other way(s) people with disabilities obtain staff assistance in the library. N=16 Chat Contact library administration for events accommodations. Contact the Libraries’ accessibility coordinator, contact the Libraries’ accessibility working group, contact library liaison to disability services office, contact assistive technology center email/staff. Each branch at the Libraries has an “Accessibility Liaison.” Go to or contact the Assistive Technology Lab (ATLab) directly if they are registered. Registered users have key card access to the ATLab. Library referrals are received from the campus AccessAbility office. The coordinator then provides orientation to new students to introduce the Adaptive Technology Centre as well as services available through Library Accessibility Services. Referrals from community agencies Register with the library there’s an online form. Request assistance or appointment by chat. Request assistance using chat or LibAnswers. Request for disability assistance may come out during course of other request (in person, phone, or email) to a librarian. Request may be made by instructor on behalf of their student. Similar to other patrons. For the Kokua Program students complete an intake form and request an intake appointment. The library administration is often the director of the professional libraries. The library “specialist” is the Student Engagement and Outreach Librarian who has training in the area but does not consider herself a true “specialist.” She usually helps coordinate between the user and different areas in the library/campus. The person may contact a library staff member directly via email. Web forms ACCOMMODATIONS FOR LIBRARY STAFF 3. Please indicate which of the following accommodations you have provided for library staff members with disabilities. Check all that apply. N=66 Adjustable furniture and/or workstations 58 88% Specialized technology and computer hardware 50 76%
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