17 SPEC Kit 358: Accessibility and Universal Design The space in the library compliments the main campus Disability Resource Center’s services and resources. The library in which the private workstations are located has many more service hours then the main campus DRC office offers. These numbers reflect Mac OS Accessibility and Windows workstations with JAWS. This workstation has a variety of accessibility software to meet users’ needs. We did have several dedicated private workstations in our Education Library and the plan is to include four in this facility. We have bookable rooms in many libraries that provide opportunity for quiet space and/or conversation with an aide/assistant/notetaker/reader. We have installed access to our JAWS software on all 96 laptops that may be checked out from the various libraries. We have one dedicated computer in each of three libraries that has assistive technologies. We also have one application in a video chat room. We have workstations on the first floor of the main library. We put different setups at different libraries at multiple campuses. 7. On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 equals none and five equals all, please indicate how many of the spaces, facilities, and service points in your library are accessible to users with disabilities. N=66 Space/Facility/Service Point None One Several Most All N Service desks 0 5 11 28 22 66 Library classrooms 0 1 9 19 36 65 Restrooms 0 1 20 22 22 65 Drinking fountains 0 0 24 22 19 65 Study carrels 6 1 23 25 10 65 Computer terminals 1 2 26 29 7 65 Group study spaces 1 2 14 25 22 64 Staff meeting spaces 0 0 10 33 21 64 Shared tables/desks 1 0 22 31 10 64 Individual seats or desks 2 2 22 32 6 64 Means of egress/automatic doors 0 2 23 21 18 64 Consultation spaces 0 1 15 20 27 63 Stacks 6 1 22 26 8 63 Total number of respondents 15 14 54 64 49 66 Comments N=18 All library entrance doors are automatic doors. As we have renovated or remodeled spaces, we have ensured they are accessible to users with disabilities. Entrances with multiple doors always have one set of doors on an operator. For our study carrels, the more precise answer is that our open carrels are ALL accessible for the ones that are enclosed, SEVERAL are accessible.
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