YearsofExperience Position 0–3 years 4–7 years 8–11 years 12–15 years 16–19 years 20–23 years 24–27 years 28–31 years 32–35 years over 35 years Director ‡ ..‡ ‡ ‡ $206,556 $203,640 $211,876 $207,742 Associate Director ‡ ‡ $96,883 $106,210 $107,388 $121,503 122,256 122,957 120,199 131,115 Assistant Director ‡ $96,620 94,726 94,481 115,114 112,744 108,936 109,249 111,803 112,107 Head, Branch $49,375 56,338 66,623 71,214 76,862 79,743 82,826 78,928 94,157 96,660 Functional Specialist 51,339 55,695 61,368 66,315 67,010 70,818 74,990 77,669 78,976 80,171 Subject Specialist 49,972 54,129 61,823 64,897 69,023 72,162 74,060 77,544 81,970 81,402 Dept. Head: Acquisitions 59,183 60,364 63,698 67,893 76,866 72,796 81,159 74,183 81,867 86,842 Reference ‡ 63,150 74,251 78,754 81,586 82,146 82,259 81,178 82,925 94,216 Cataloging ‡ 58,459 64,890 69,082 71,425 75,719 81,559 78,881 95,766 80,084 Serials ‡ .‡ ‡ 86,643 71,012 .‡ ‡ ‡ Documents/Maps ‡ 53,589 58,251 71,000 59,224 64,824 72,286 ‡ ‡ 76,984 Circulation 52,621 59,401 60,280 63,214 79,869 68,270 72,520 89,817 78,590 80,778 Rare Books/Manuscripts ‡ ‡ 74,231 71,094 86,724 78,073 92,164 81,112 84,123 103,218 Computer Systems ‡ 72,140 98,118 89,357 94,268 81,896 91,958 100,075 106,113 .Other 49,994 60,471 67,516 76,062 78,403 77,402 83,857 84,414 90,848 92,704 Public services 48,668 50,128 55,856 60,756 64,491 61,809 61,795 66,554 66,293 71,530 Technical services 46,600 53,944 59,698 59,181 64,982 59,738 67,554 63,974 75,198 70,692 Administration 57,742 57,855 62,349 65,659 73,035 73,766 96,785 80,974 82,114 97,647 Reference 48,015 50,312 57,188 58,418 60,810 65,105 66,019 71,874 68,853 71,867 Cataloger 48,255 52,694 56,907 58,748 62,533 64,929 65,781 66,701 68,292 70,326 All Positions: Average Salary $50,879 $54,611 $62,003 $67,651 $71,924 $75,122 $80,563 $84,783 $93,536 $96,114 Number of Staff 653 1,031 1,056 947 695 781 616 588 508 497 56 · ARL Annual Salary Survey 2010–2011 Table 26: Average Salaries of US ARL University Librarians by Position and Years of Experience, FY 2010–2011 Excludes Canadian libraries. Excludes medical and law libraries. ‡ Salary data are not published when fewer than four individuals are involved. .No positions reported in this category.