10 · ARL Annual Salary Survey 2010–2011 Figure 3: Race/Ethnicity and Sex Distribution of Professional Staff in ARL University Libraries, FY 2010–2011 United States Men Women Total Number of Staff Percent of Total Number of Staff Percent of Total Main 2,785 37.8% 4,587 62.2% 7,372 Medical 257 29.7% 608 70.3% 865 Law 231 33.6% 457 66.4% 688 Minority* 397 31.4% 869 68.6% 1,266 Non-minority 2,871 37.6% 4,774 62.4% 7,645 All 3,268 36.7% 5,643 63.3% 8,911 Canada Men Women Total Number of Staff Percent of Total Number of Staff Percent of Total Main 306 32.0% 651 68.0% 957 Medical 10 9.2% 99 90.8% 109 Law 15 32.6% 31 67.4% 46 All 331 29.8% 781 70.2% 1,112 United States and Canada (Combined) Men Women Total Number of Staff Percent of Total Number of Staff Percent of Total Main 3,091 37.1% 5,238 62.9% 8,329 Medical 267 27.4% 707 72.6% 974 Law 246 33.5% 488 66.5% 734 All 3,604 35.9% 6,433 64.1% 10,037 *Includes staff in medical and law libraries. Note: There are two US institutions that did not report race/ethnicity data therefore, the totals will not aggregate to the total needed for the US and Canadian sub-totals to equal the figure displayed in the combined total. ARL recognizes the difficulties that the profession has in attracting a diverse workforce and continues to work actively in the development of workplace climates that embrace diversity. The ARL Diversity Programs, through its Leadership and Career Development Program and the Initiative to Recruit a Diverse Workforce, emphasize ARL’s and its members’ commitment to creating a diverse academic and research library community to better meet the new challenges of global competition and changing demographics. Further, the Diversity Programs focus on issues surrounding work relationships in libraries while considering the impact of diversity on library services, interactions with library users, and the development of collections. More information about the Diversity Programs can be found at http://www.arl.org/diversity/.