112 · ARL Annual Salary Survey 2010–2011 IOWA Libraries included: Main and six branches -one campus. IOWA STATE Libraries included: Parks Library (main library) and the Veterinary Medical Library (branch library). JOHNS HOPKINS Libraries included: Sheridan Libraries, Friedheim Library, SAIS Library. KANSAS Libraries included: The main campus Library and all branch libraries. KENT STATE Libraries included: Kent campus: main, architecture, chem/phys, fashion, map, performing arts Kent State: Ashtabula, East Liverpool, Geauga, Salem, Stark, Trumbull, Tuscarawus. KENTUCKY Libraries included: William T Young Library (Main Campus Library) Agricultural Information Center Design Library Education Library Engineering Library Equine Library Fine Arts Library Science Library Kentucky Transportation Center. The Beginning Professional Salary (BPS) reported for the Law Library is for librarians with an MLS alone. The beginning salary for librarians with an MLS and JD is $52,000. LAVAL There is one library at Laval University (all included). LOUISVILLE Libraries included: Main, Art, Music, University Archives. MCGILL Libraries included: Humanities &Social Sciences, Islamic Studies, Education, Marvin Duchow Music, Schulich Library of Science and Engineering, Walter Hitschefeld Geographic Information Centre, Macdonald Campus, Howard Ross Library of Management. McGill librarians ranks are: Tenure or non-tenured as Assistant Librarian, Associate Librarian, and Full Librarian. MCMASTER Libraries included: Mills Memorial Library, H.G. Thode Library, Innis Library. MANITOBA Libraries included: William R Newman Agriculture Library, Architecture and Fine Arts Library, Archives and Special Collections, Elizabeth Dafoe Library, Fr. Harold Drake Library, St. John’s College Library, Donald W. Craik Engineering Library, Albert D. Cohen Management Library, Eckhardt-Gramattee Music Library, Sciences and Technology Library, Bill Larson Library, Carolyn Siftono-Helene Fuld Library, Concordia Hospital Library, J.W. Crane Memorial Library, Misercordia Health Centre Library, Riverview Health Centre Virtual Library, Seven Oaks General Hospital Library, Victoria General Hospital Library. MASSACHUSETTS Libraries included: DuBois Library, Science and Engineering Library, Image Collection Library.