ARL University Libraries · 49 Table 22: Years of Experience of ARL University Librarians by Position and Type of Institution, FY 2010–2011 Canadian (16) Private (31) Public (68) Total (115) Position Years No. Years No. Years No. Years No. Director 32.6 16 33.5 29 34.0 65 33.6 110 Associate Director 23.7 46 26.3 92 25.7 187 25.6 325 Assistant Director 23.7 17 23.7 79 24.8 72 24.2 168 Head, Branch 20.8 62 22.9 112 22.6 278 22.4 452 Functional Specialist 14.5 167 14.0 831 13.8 1,140 13.9 2,138 Subject Specialist 13.9 130 17.3 398 16.7 621 16.6 1,149 Dept. Head: Acquisitions 19.1 16 20.3 34 22.2 62 21.2 112 Reference 18.1 12 20.9 42 21.3 57 20.8 111 Cataloging 25.4 12 21.4 59 21.4 83 21.7 154 Serials 22.8 4 21.2 11 19.0 10 20.6 25 Documents/Maps 24.6 9 21.3 16 20.8 32 21.5 57 Circulation 19.1 14 18.4 22 19.5 48 19.2 84 Rare Books/Manuscripts 23.3 7 20.6 32 23.5 51 22.4 90 Computer Systems 19.2 9 16.8 18 19.9 43 19.0 70 Other 19.7 68 20.7 177 19.6 390 19.9 635 Reference: Over 14 years experience 25.7 93 26.1 138 24.9 342 25.3 573 10 to 14 years experience 11.4 38 11.9 59 11.5 111 11.6 208 5 to 9 years experience 7.0 63 7.0 60 6.9 157 6.9 280 Under 5 years experience 2.3 59 2.7 43 2.6 105 2.5 207 Cataloging: Over 14 years experience 29.8 34 26.1 155 26.4 199 26.6 388 10 to 14 years experience 12.9 7 11.6 50 12.1 47 11.9 104 5 to 9 years experience 7.3 12 7.0 63 7.1 62 7.1 137 Under 5 years experience 2.1 9 2.6 45 3.0 43 2.7 97 Other: Over 14 years experience 24.0 20 25.3 81 24.7 172 24.8 273 10 to 14 years experience 10.9 12 11.9 28 11.8 75 11.8 115 5 to 9 years experience 7.1 7 6.7 42 6.8 83 6.8 132 Under 5 years experience 2.8 14 2.5 42 2.8 79 2.7 135 All Positions 16.6 957 17.2 2,758 17.4 4,614 17.3 8,329 Excludes medical and law libraries. ()Indicates the number of ARL libraries in each category.