YearsofExperience Position 0–3 years 4–7 years 8–11 years 12–15 years 16–19 years 20–23 years 24–27 years 28–31 years 32–35 years over 35 years Director .. $166,747 $198,652 $193,532 $203,773 $204,661 Associate Director $100,582 $98,867 $107,348 $106,436 121,927 124,455 122,930 120,326 131,460 Assistant Director 96,620 94,353 93,925 113,748 109,721 107,734 109,251 111,271 114,338 Head, Branch $63,335 60,671 70,119 73,900 77,900 81,293 85,350 82,722 95,823 101,021 Functional Specialist 52,385 56,401 62,155 67,075 68,416 71,498 76,008 78,275 80,307 80,946 Subject Specialist 51,079 54,917 62,735 65,667 69,457 73,268 74,817 79,574 83,053 83,111 Dept. Head: Acquisitions 59,851 60,364 66,739 73,267 78,200 76,587 86,098 75,367 81,867 91,270 Reference 66,540 75,544 79,146 80,933 83,827 83,622 81,178 91,291 94,216 Cataloging 58,459 64,890 69,560 72,421 76,899 82,383 80,695 96,823 80,084 Serials . 86,643 74,901 Documents/Maps 53,589 58,251 73,308 71,972 64,824 76,468 83,906 Circulation 55,182 59,401 61,050 65,506 79,869 74,960 72,163 93,490 78,506 80,079 Rare Books/Manuscripts 81,387 74,231 71,094 86,724 80,020 92,164 82,690 84,123 101,984 Computer Systems 85,954 98,118 87,986 93,507 81,216 89,596 101,668 105,911 .Other 54,750 63,064 68,761 76,798 79,492 78,122 86,131 86,469 91,855 94,374 Public services 49,702 50,993 56,488 61,836 64,491 62,872 60,707 66,554 66,293 71,530 Technical services 46,958 53,944 60,996 60,300 72,079 60,161 68,408 68,407 75,198 70,692 Administration 58,367 59,635 62,162 67,372 73,035 77,651 90,884 80,974 84,005 97,644 Reference 51,706 54,199 60,725 62,056 64,012 70,115 70,972 75,176 70,833 79,751 Cataloger 50,079 53,891 57,990 59,819 63,019 65,954 67,208 67,623 70,342 73,108 All Positions: Average Salary $52,559 $56,206 $63,433 $68,937 $73,388 $76,908 $82,472 $86,705 $93,658 $98,153 Number of Positions 791 1,162 1,192 1,037 775 879 699 661 569 564 ARL University Libraries · 47 Table 20: Average Salaries of ARL University Librarians by Position and Years of Experience, FY 2010–2011 Years of experience reflect total professional experience. Excludes medical and law libraries. Canadian salaries are expressed in US dollars. Salary data are not published when fewer than four individuals are involved. .No positions reported in this category.
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