114 · ARL Annual Salary Survey 2010–2011 Lecturers (Rank 1) salaries are higher than Assistant Professors (Rank 2) due to years of experience. (Law Library) NEW YORK Libraries included: Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, Institute of Fine Arts, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Library, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, Jack Brause Midtown Library. Libraries not included: Bern Dibner Library at the Polytechnic Institute of NYU. The three ranks are indicated as follows: 1. Library Associate, 2. Assistant Curator, 3. Associate Curator. NORTH CAROLINA STATE Libraries included: (Main) D.H. Hill Library, Design Library, Natural Resources Library, Textiles Library, Veterinary Medicine Library. NORTHWESTERN Libraries included: Main Library, Science &Engineering Library. NOTRE DAME Libraries included: The Hesburgh Libraries include -Hesburgh Library (Main), Architecture Library, Art Image Library, Business Information Center, Chemistry/Physics Library, Engineering Library, Kellogg/Kroc Information Center, and Mathematics Library. OHIO Libraries included: Main, Music, Depository, Learning Resource Center, Regional campuses (Eastern, Southern, Lancaster, Zanesville, Chillicothe). The beginning salary applies to main campus hires only. The reference librarian salary that is below the listed beginning professional salary is employed on a branch campus. OHIO STATE Libraries included: Main and branch campus. Main and Law salaries are as of 10/1/10 Health library salaries are as of 7/1/10. OKLAHOMA STATE Libraries included: OSU-Stillwater (Main, Vet Med, Architecture, Curriculum Materials) OSU-Oklahoma City OSU-Okmulgee OSU- Tulsa. OREGON Libraries included: Main (general) libraries include: Knight Library, Science Library, Architecture and Allied Arts Library, Portland Library and Learning Commons. OTTAWA Libraries included: Main campus Library (Morisset). PENNSYLVANIA Libraries included: University library, Lippincott (business), math/physics (physical sciences), fine arts, veterinary, museum, Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, rare book and manuscript, music. Libraries not included: Annenberg (communications).