Bibliography · 169
Cook, Colleen, Fred Heath, Bruce Thompson, and Duane Webster. “LibQUAL+™ Preliminary Results from 2002.”
Performance Measurement and Metrics 4, no. 1 (2003): 38–47.
Council on Library and Information Resources. A Different Approach to the Evaluation of Research Libraries. Research Brief 6.
Washington, DC: The Council, 1998.
Cronenwett, Philip N., Kevin Osborn, Samuel A. Streit, eds. Celebrating Research: Rare and Special Collections from the
Membership of the Association of Research Libraries. Washington, DC: Association of Research of Libraries, 2007.
Crow, Raym. “The Case for Institutional Repositories: A SPARC Position Paper.” Washington, DC: Scholarly Publishing &
Academic Resources Coalition, 2002.
Cummings, Anthony M., et al. University Libraries and Scholarly Communication: A Study Prepared for The Andrew W. Mellon
Foundation. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries, 1992.
Cummings, M. M. The Economics of Research Libraries. Washington, DC: Council on Library Resources, 1986.
Dewey, Barbara I. “The Imperative for Diversity: ARL’s Progress and Role.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 9, no. 3 (2009):
Downs, Robert B. “The Growth of Research Collections.” Library Trends: American Library History: 1876–1976 25 (July 1976):
_______.“Uniform Statistics for Library Holdings.” Library Quarterly 16 (January 1946): 63–69.
Drake, Miriam A. “Forecasting Academic Library Growth.” College and Research Libraries 37 (January 1976): 53–59.
Franklin, Brinley. “Duane Webster, Assessment Pioneer.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 9, no. 3 (2009): 339–48.
Franklin, Brinley, Colleen Cook, Martha Kyrillidou, and Bruce Thompson. “Library Investment Index—Why Is It
Important?” Proceedings of the 2008 Library Assessment Conference: Building Effective, Sustainable, and Practical
Assessment, August 4–7, 2008, Seattle, Washington. (Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries, 2009):
Frazier, Kenneth. “The Librarians’ Dilemma: Contemplating the Costs of the ‘Big Deal,’” D-Lib Magazine 7, no. 3 (March
2001), viewed online at
Funk, Cara J. “ARL and Association 3.0: Ten Management Challenges.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 9, no. 3 (2009):
Gooden, Paul, Matthew Owen, and Sarah Simon. Scientific Publishing: Knowledge is Power. New York: Morgan Stanley,
Guthrie, Kevin M. “It Didn’t Have to Be This Way: Entrepreneurship at ARL During Duane Webster’s Tenure.” portal:
Libraries and the Academy 9, no. 3 (2009): 411–18.
Haslett, K. Mark. “Canada, Copyright, and the Common Good.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 9, no. 3 (2009): 375–80.
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Bibliography · 169
Cook, Colleen, Fred Heath, Bruce Thompson, and Duane Webster. “LibQUAL+™ Preliminary Results from 2002.”
Performance Measurement and Metrics 4, no. 1 (2003): 38–47.
Council on Library and Information Resources. A Different Approach to the Evaluation of Research Libraries. Research Brief 6.
Washington, DC: The Council, 1998.
Cronenwett, Philip N., Kevin Osborn, Samuel A. Streit, eds. Celebrating Research: Rare and Special Collections from the
Membership of the Association of Research Libraries. Washington, DC: Association of Research of Libraries, 2007.
Crow, Raym. “The Case for Institutional Repositories: A SPARC Position Paper.” Washington, DC: Scholarly Publishing &
Academic Resources Coalition, 2002.
Cummings, Anthony M., et al. University Libraries and Scholarly Communication: A Study Prepared for The Andrew W. Mellon
Foundation. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries, 1992.
Cummings, M. M. The Economics of Research Libraries. Washington, DC: Council on Library Resources, 1986.
Dewey, Barbara I. “The Imperative for Diversity: ARL’s Progress and Role.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 9, no. 3 (2009):
Downs, Robert B. “The Growth of Research Collections.” Library Trends: American Library History: 1876–1976 25 (July 1976):
_______.“Uniform Statistics for Library Holdings.” Library Quarterly 16 (January 1946): 63–69.
Drake, Miriam A. “Forecasting Academic Library Growth.” College and Research Libraries 37 (January 1976): 53–59.
Franklin, Brinley. “Duane Webster, Assessment Pioneer.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 9, no. 3 (2009): 339–48.
Franklin, Brinley, Colleen Cook, Martha Kyrillidou, and Bruce Thompson. “Library Investment Index—Why Is It
Important?” Proceedings of the 2008 Library Assessment Conference: Building Effective, Sustainable, and Practical
Assessment, August 4–7, 2008, Seattle, Washington. (Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries, 2009):
Frazier, Kenneth. “The Librarians’ Dilemma: Contemplating the Costs of the ‘Big Deal,’” D-Lib Magazine 7, no. 3 (March
2001), viewed online at
Funk, Cara J. “ARL and Association 3.0: Ten Management Challenges.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 9, no. 3 (2009):
Gooden, Paul, Matthew Owen, and Sarah Simon. Scientific Publishing: Knowledge is Power. New York: Morgan Stanley,
Guthrie, Kevin M. “It Didn’t Have to Be This Way: Entrepreneurship at ARL During Duane Webster’s Tenure.” portal:
Libraries and the Academy 9, no. 3 (2009): 411–18.
Haslett, K. Mark. “Canada, Copyright, and the Common Good.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 9, no. 3 (2009): 375–80.

