130 · ARL Statistics 2009–2010
FLORIDA, cont.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2009 revised to 4,303,078.
1.b, 1.b.i 65,000 e-books from Government Documents collections were added per Catalog Department.
5.a.i Figure increased due to print to e-journal switches and added titles to e-journal packages.
26 Figure increased due to new type of invoice charges with Lyrasis (routing through ILL), a significant increase in ILL activity, plus a
reconciliation of earlier charges.
Library branches included: Library branches included: Main Library (Strozier), Dirac Science Library, College of Engineering Library,
Allen Music Library, Goldstein College of Information Library, Ringling Museum of Art Library, Panama City, Panama Library, and
Panama City, Florida Library.
Data from the Law and Health Sciences Library are also included in the figures reported.
1 Contains 297,433 e-books from the following sources: EEBO (via ProQuest), ECCO (via Gale-Cengage), Evans (via Newsbank), Shaw
Shoemaker (via Newsbank), ebrary, Netlibrary, Oxford, NWLD (North American Women’s Letter and Diaries), SWRP (Scottish Women
Poets of the Romantic Period), APA, and CRCnetBASE.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2009 revised to 2,887,551.
1.b, 1.b.ii For 2008-2009, 24,490 volumes (including e-books, e-journals, e-serials, books, and journals) were included in the figure for question
1.b.i. without including 9,886 government documents, which would have resulted in 34,376 volumes added gross. In addition, only the
14,035 volumes (including e-books, e-journals, e-serials, books, and journals) was counted in question 1.b.ii. The figure for government
documents withdrawn from the collection a total of 63,027 volumes -was left out. The total volumes withdrawn for question 1.b.ii.
should have been -101,552. The resulting volumes added for question 1.b. for 2008-2009 should equal -67,176. The very large amount of
volumes withdrawn in 2008-2009 were due to a major weeding of the government documents collection.
5.b.i The increase in this number is from the acquisition of a number of Wiley titles and the activation of some previously non-utilized
resources within Serials Solutions.
5.b.ii Several freely accessible packages were removed because of access issues. This caused a reduction in the number of freely accessible
resources that were offered in our catalog.
8 After a consolidation of the government documents collection, a new measurement of the linear ft. of documents provided a more
accurate estimate of holdings.
10 Addition to our collection of the Claude Pepper Center’s archives, plus the counting of some stored materials resulted in significant
increase of our manuscripts holdings.
16.a There has been a concerted push to increase/improve Arts &Humanities collections, resulting in increased monographic spending.
16.b Over 600 print titles were canceled with the 2009-2010 Reallocation Project for the 2010 renewals this is why the expenditure dropped.
16.c Additional funds, $800,000, were given to University Libraries from the College of Medicine for specific e-journal subscriptions.
17 The music library did a major re-evaluation of the stacks and rebound many items as well as going back binding many unbound
periodicals in the stacks. This accounts for the substantial increase in contract binding spending.
18.c FSU Libraries opened a new Learning Commons with a student assistant-heavy staffing plan. In addition, a library managed, night-
time tutoring initiative was launched, which resulted in increased hiring of student employees. Further, our libraries’ security
department increased the number of student assistants to cover another library location.
22 The increase is due to the JSTOR backfiles purchase as well as the purchase of the Times Digital resource.
23 On top of this year’s subscription inflation of at least 8%, we added JSTOR subscription cost. This explains the ~13% increase in this
year’s number.
24.a There was an error in the 2008-2009 figure in OCLC costs from the Ringling Museum library. The 2008-2009 figure should have been
$7,700 instead of $77,000. That is the large percent difference this year.
24.b Our expenditures as recorded in 24b decreased due to the following factors: CRL was canceled There was a decrease in consortial
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