142 · ARL Statistics 2009–2010
5.b iii. In 2008-2009, this number was 14,913
iv. In 2009-2010, this number was 16,012
c. Not unique
d. 3610 in 2007
e. 4296 in 2008
f. 5455 in 2009
g. 6467 in 2010
3. Run ARC query to get all Bib IDs and ISSNs associated with a Non-Purchase Method order record
a. Ser_notpur_ord
b. Not unique
c. 8099 in 2007
d. 11,976 in 2008
e. 11,888 in 2009
f. 12,016 in 2010
4. Compare the ISSNs from #6 with the ISSNs from #7 using Erik’s script and dedupe into two buckets:
a. Non-purchased electronic titles
i. Includes any overlap between electronic and other formats
ii. 3467 in 2007
iii. 4127 in 2008
iv. 5350 in 2009
v. 6422 in 2010
b. Non-purchased titles in print/other format only (i.e., not held electronically)
i. 10,741 in 2007
ii. 11,052 in 2008
iii. 10,900 in 2009
iv. 11,036 in 2010
c. Overlap (i.e., in both files)
i. 804 in 2007
ii. 924 in 2008
iii. 988 in 2009
iv. 979 in 2010
5. Add in the non-purchased titles without ISSNs to get total of electronic titles
a. **See #2b**
b. 3467 +13,000 =16,467 in 2007
c. 4127 +13,571 =17,698 in 2008
d. 5350 +14,913 =20,263 in 2009
e. 6422 +16,012 =22,434 in 2010
12 Breakdown by format is not available. Total AV holdings =922,893.
16.d Miscellaneous expense categories: Library rarely uses materials funds for non-materials expenditures. Most memberships are included
with format categories.
22 Increase due to purchase of serial backfiles.
30, 31 Decrease due to shift towards e-learning initiatives partly replacing traditional class format.
5.b iii. In 2008-2009, this number was 14,913
iv. In 2009-2010, this number was 16,012
c. Not unique
d. 3610 in 2007
e. 4296 in 2008
f. 5455 in 2009
g. 6467 in 2010
3. Run ARC query to get all Bib IDs and ISSNs associated with a Non-Purchase Method order record
a. Ser_notpur_ord
b. Not unique
c. 8099 in 2007
d. 11,976 in 2008
e. 11,888 in 2009
f. 12,016 in 2010
4. Compare the ISSNs from #6 with the ISSNs from #7 using Erik’s script and dedupe into two buckets:
a. Non-purchased electronic titles
i. Includes any overlap between electronic and other formats
ii. 3467 in 2007
iii. 4127 in 2008
iv. 5350 in 2009
v. 6422 in 2010
b. Non-purchased titles in print/other format only (i.e., not held electronically)
i. 10,741 in 2007
ii. 11,052 in 2008
iii. 10,900 in 2009
iv. 11,036 in 2010
c. Overlap (i.e., in both files)
i. 804 in 2007
ii. 924 in 2008
iii. 988 in 2009
iv. 979 in 2010
5. Add in the non-purchased titles without ISSNs to get total of electronic titles
a. **See #2b**
b. 3467 +13,000 =16,467 in 2007
c. 4127 +13,571 =17,698 in 2008
d. 5350 +14,913 =20,263 in 2009
e. 6422 +16,012 =22,434 in 2010
12 Breakdown by format is not available. Total AV holdings =922,893.
16.d Miscellaneous expense categories: Library rarely uses materials funds for non-materials expenditures. Most memberships are included
with format categories.
22 Increase due to purchase of serial backfiles.
30, 31 Decrease due to shift towards e-learning initiatives partly replacing traditional class format.