128 · ARL Statistics 2009–2010
CORNELL, cont.
10 The largest part of the count is in cubic feet.
13 Excludes any sound recordings that are not barcoded and/or that accompany other formats.
14 Count excludes motion pictures, for which an up-to-date count is no longer kept. The decrease from 2008-2009 reflects that change the
number of videos/DVDs increased by 6.5% from 2008-2009.
16.d The figure includes expenditures for integrating resources as well as shipping costs not included in questions 16a-c. Before 2008-
2009, expenditures for items coded as integrating resources were reported in question 16a current methods of reporting do not
allow integrating resources expenditures to be divided between one time and ongoing expenditures. Per cataloging rules, more and
more items will be cataloged or re-cataloged from other formats (including monographs and serials) as integrating resources. These
expenditures include those for such items as reference databases, resource aggregators (including those with a mix of formats), etc.
18.a Increase due to the following: Starting in 2009-2010, this count includes expenditures for academic and exempt staff. In the past, it
included expenditures only for academic staff.
18.b Decrease due to the following: Starting in 2009-2010, this count includes expenditures for only non-academic non-exempt staff. In the
past, it included expenditures for non-academic exempt and non-exempt staff.
21 Expenditures include $770,000 in returns on reserves mandated due to the recession and a payment of $1,152,000 for the university’s
Staff Retirement Initiative costs.
23 Includes an estimate for the amount spent on electronic subscriptions for large publishers providing both print and electronic whose
payment records are coded as print only.
27 Does not include temporary staff or positions that were temporarily vacant as of June 30, 2010. Includes professional, support and
student staff on grants and projects.
27.a Starting in 2009-2010, the “professional” count includes academic and exempt staff. In the past, it included only academic staff.
27.b Starting in 2009-2010, this count includes only non-academic non-exempt staff. In the past, it included non-academic exempt and non-
exempt staff.
29 Part of one library remains open between 2 and 8 a.m., Sunday-Thursday, staffed by library-paid security staff (which is 27.5 hours of
this figure). Study space and computer lab available.
30 Includes some instruction sessions for individuals, and some duplication between co-taught sessions.
32.a Many unit library counts are extrapolated from 12 sampling weeks.
33 Includes ILL lending and some staff transactions.
35 Borrow Direct counts are volume counts traditional ILL counts are title counts. Traditional ILL counts include some of the requests
submitted by CUL patrons for items that are available at CUL.
36 WorldCat Local became CUL’s main catalog in June of 2009, which increased CUL’s borrowing requests.
37, 38 Does not include 1 JSD (Doctor of the Science of Law) and 3 DMAs (Doctor of Musical Arts). Previous recent year counts included JSDs,
which explains the decrease in our 2010-2011 figure.
41, 43 Part-time students are employees only and participating in the Employee Degree Program.
Library branches included: Baker-Berry Library, Feldberg Business &Engineering Library, Kresge Physical Sciences Library, Paddock
Music Library, Rauner Special Collections, Sherman Art Library, Storage Library.
Data from the Health Sciences Libraries are also included in the figures reported.
1.b.i, 2, 3 Purchased a large number of electronic books through packages in 2009-2010.
1.b.ii Withdrawals part of ongoing deaccessioning project.
5.a.ii Decrease reflects transition to electronic journals from print journals.
5.b.ii Added a large number of freely accessible serials to our catalog. This figure includes all branch libraries including the health library.
5.b.iii Indicates increased consortial activity.
22 This figure includes all branch libraries including the health library.
43 Part-time graduate students vary from year to year as non-degree participants are counted in this figure (employees, community
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

128 · ARL Statistics 2009–2010
CORNELL, cont.
10 The largest part of the count is in cubic feet.
13 Excludes any sound recordings that are not barcoded and/or that accompany other formats.
14 Count excludes motion pictures, for which an up-to-date count is no longer kept. The decrease from 2008-2009 reflects that change the
number of videos/DVDs increased by 6.5% from 2008-2009.
16.d The figure includes expenditures for integrating resources as well as shipping costs not included in questions 16a-c. Before 2008-
2009, expenditures for items coded as integrating resources were reported in question 16a current methods of reporting do not
allow integrating resources expenditures to be divided between one time and ongoing expenditures. Per cataloging rules, more and
more items will be cataloged or re-cataloged from other formats (including monographs and serials) as integrating resources. These
expenditures include those for such items as reference databases, resource aggregators (including those with a mix of formats), etc.
18.a Increase due to the following: Starting in 2009-2010, this count includes expenditures for academic and exempt staff. In the past, it
included expenditures only for academic staff.
18.b Decrease due to the following: Starting in 2009-2010, this count includes expenditures for only non-academic non-exempt staff. In the
past, it included expenditures for non-academic exempt and non-exempt staff.
21 Expenditures include $770,000 in returns on reserves mandated due to the recession and a payment of $1,152,000 for the university’s
Staff Retirement Initiative costs.
23 Includes an estimate for the amount spent on electronic subscriptions for large publishers providing both print and electronic whose
payment records are coded as print only.
27 Does not include temporary staff or positions that were temporarily vacant as of June 30, 2010. Includes professional, support and
student staff on grants and projects.
27.a Starting in 2009-2010, the “professional” count includes academic and exempt staff. In the past, it included only academic staff.
27.b Starting in 2009-2010, this count includes only non-academic non-exempt staff. In the past, it included non-academic exempt and non-
exempt staff.
29 Part of one library remains open between 2 and 8 a.m., Sunday-Thursday, staffed by library-paid security staff (which is 27.5 hours of
this figure). Study space and computer lab available.
30 Includes some instruction sessions for individuals, and some duplication between co-taught sessions.
32.a Many unit library counts are extrapolated from 12 sampling weeks.
33 Includes ILL lending and some staff transactions.
35 Borrow Direct counts are volume counts traditional ILL counts are title counts. Traditional ILL counts include some of the requests
submitted by CUL patrons for items that are available at CUL.
36 WorldCat Local became CUL’s main catalog in June of 2009, which increased CUL’s borrowing requests.
37, 38 Does not include 1 JSD (Doctor of the Science of Law) and 3 DMAs (Doctor of Musical Arts). Previous recent year counts included JSDs,
which explains the decrease in our 2010-2011 figure.
41, 43 Part-time students are employees only and participating in the Employee Degree Program.
Library branches included: Baker-Berry Library, Feldberg Business &Engineering Library, Kresge Physical Sciences Library, Paddock
Music Library, Rauner Special Collections, Sherman Art Library, Storage Library.
Data from the Health Sciences Libraries are also included in the figures reported.
1.b.i, 2, 3 Purchased a large number of electronic books through packages in 2009-2010.
1.b.ii Withdrawals part of ongoing deaccessioning project.
5.a.ii Decrease reflects transition to electronic journals from print journals.
5.b.ii Added a large number of freely accessible serials to our catalog. This figure includes all branch libraries including the health library.
5.b.iii Indicates increased consortial activity.
22 This figure includes all branch libraries including the health library.
43 Part-time graduate students vary from year to year as non-degree participants are counted in this figure (employees, community

