144 · ARL Statistics 2009–2010
11 UNL Libraries does not have a good way of collecting statistics on our cartographic collections because a great deal of them are
government documents. We believe that the statistics that we provide are a gross underestimate of what we actually own and manage
in our Geology Library.
14 Film and video remain in high demand from UNL Library users, so increasingly more resources are being devoted to acquiring such
16.c UNL Libraries did not purchase as many backfiles as has been purchased in previous years.
16.d ILL work decreased and as a result, postage costs went down significantly.
17 As UNL Libraries increasingly invest in e-resources over print, we anticipate binding costs to continue to decrease annually.
22 Due to budget cuts and the fact that one time purchases are increasingly difficult to manage, UNL libraries has devoted less resources
to these materials.
24.b UNL Libraries believe that there was an error in reporting the expenditures for 2008-2009. The error accounts for the drastic increase
between 2008-2009 and 2009-2010. We believe that the expenditures for 2009-2010 are typical.
25 UNL Libraries chose to invest more in software (Windows 7 upgrade) instead of hardware. In addition, in 2008-2009 atypically large
amounts of resources were invested into hardware because we obtained an excellent price. Therefore in 2009-2010 there was little need
to invest in hardware.
28 The significant reduction in staffed library service points is the result of an error in the 2008-2009 statistics reported by the Schmid Law
Library. The current statistic for 2009-2010 is typical, while 2008-2009 is incorrect.
30 UNL Libraries devoted more personnel to instruction and made librarian engagement a top priority.
35 This may be attributed to an increase in the number of requests that UNL Libraries rejected because we did not own the volume or
issue that was being requested, or the issue has not been received yet due to embargoed content or other issues.
Library branches included: Centennial Science &Engineering Library, Fine Arts &Design Library, Parish Memorial Library, UNM
West Library, and Zimmerman Library.
Data from the Law and Health Sciences Library are also included in the figures reported.
Library branches NOT included: Gallup Branch Campus Library, Los Alamos Branch Campus Library, Taos Branch Campus Library,
and the Valencia Branch Campus Library.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2009 revised to 3,390,532, which includes 348,168 in a correction to our journal volumes for the University of New
Mexico Libraries.
1, 1.b.ii Processing of fire-damaged materials has concluded therefore, there were fewer withdrawals in 2009-2010.
1.b, 1.b.i In 2008-2009, the University of New Mexico Libraries purchased a significant number of e-books. In 2009-2010, volumes added returned
to numbers in line with prior years.
3 Approval plan and firm ordering of books were greatly curtailed in anticipation of budget rescission.
5.a.ii Project to convert as many journals as possible to electronic-only continued.
5.b.i Increase due to more accurate process used with our ERM.
5.b.iv Increase due to a more accurate process used to query our OPAC.
14 Increase because library devoted specific CD funds to expanding collection.
16.a Approval plan and firm ordering of books were greatly curtailed in anticipation of budget rescission.
16.c Increased purchases for graphic, audio, and especially video/film materials.
17 Prior year total included Fire Recovery Binding.
18.a, 27.a Increase due to previously vacant faculty positions that were filled this year.
18.b, 27.b University of New Mexico instituted “pause and hold” on filling vacant staff positions.
22 Fire insurance funds from previous years has been expended. Fewer one-time purchases made.
23 Increase due to a subscription pre-payment made to our serials vendor.
25 This increase is due to continued work developing the New Mexico Statehood project, reformatting of a large number of audio and
video files, and annual fees for several services.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

144 · ARL Statistics 2009–2010
11 UNL Libraries does not have a good way of collecting statistics on our cartographic collections because a great deal of them are
government documents. We believe that the statistics that we provide are a gross underestimate of what we actually own and manage
in our Geology Library.
14 Film and video remain in high demand from UNL Library users, so increasingly more resources are being devoted to acquiring such
16.c UNL Libraries did not purchase as many backfiles as has been purchased in previous years.
16.d ILL work decreased and as a result, postage costs went down significantly.
17 As UNL Libraries increasingly invest in e-resources over print, we anticipate binding costs to continue to decrease annually.
22 Due to budget cuts and the fact that one time purchases are increasingly difficult to manage, UNL libraries has devoted less resources
to these materials.
24.b UNL Libraries believe that there was an error in reporting the expenditures for 2008-2009. The error accounts for the drastic increase
between 2008-2009 and 2009-2010. We believe that the expenditures for 2009-2010 are typical.
25 UNL Libraries chose to invest more in software (Windows 7 upgrade) instead of hardware. In addition, in 2008-2009 atypically large
amounts of resources were invested into hardware because we obtained an excellent price. Therefore in 2009-2010 there was little need
to invest in hardware.
28 The significant reduction in staffed library service points is the result of an error in the 2008-2009 statistics reported by the Schmid Law
Library. The current statistic for 2009-2010 is typical, while 2008-2009 is incorrect.
30 UNL Libraries devoted more personnel to instruction and made librarian engagement a top priority.
35 This may be attributed to an increase in the number of requests that UNL Libraries rejected because we did not own the volume or
issue that was being requested, or the issue has not been received yet due to embargoed content or other issues.
Library branches included: Centennial Science &Engineering Library, Fine Arts &Design Library, Parish Memorial Library, UNM
West Library, and Zimmerman Library.
Data from the Law and Health Sciences Library are also included in the figures reported.
Library branches NOT included: Gallup Branch Campus Library, Los Alamos Branch Campus Library, Taos Branch Campus Library,
and the Valencia Branch Campus Library.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2009 revised to 3,390,532, which includes 348,168 in a correction to our journal volumes for the University of New
Mexico Libraries.
1, 1.b.ii Processing of fire-damaged materials has concluded therefore, there were fewer withdrawals in 2009-2010.
1.b, 1.b.i In 2008-2009, the University of New Mexico Libraries purchased a significant number of e-books. In 2009-2010, volumes added returned
to numbers in line with prior years.
3 Approval plan and firm ordering of books were greatly curtailed in anticipation of budget rescission.
5.a.ii Project to convert as many journals as possible to electronic-only continued.
5.b.i Increase due to more accurate process used with our ERM.
5.b.iv Increase due to a more accurate process used to query our OPAC.
14 Increase because library devoted specific CD funds to expanding collection.
16.a Approval plan and firm ordering of books were greatly curtailed in anticipation of budget rescission.
16.c Increased purchases for graphic, audio, and especially video/film materials.
17 Prior year total included Fire Recovery Binding.
18.a, 27.a Increase due to previously vacant faculty positions that were filled this year.
18.b, 27.b University of New Mexico instituted “pause and hold” on filling vacant staff positions.
22 Fire insurance funds from previous years has been expended. Fewer one-time purchases made.
23 Increase due to a subscription pre-payment made to our serials vendor.
25 This increase is due to continued work developing the New Mexico Statehood project, reformatting of a large number of audio and
video files, and annual fees for several services.

