20 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
A few sample copies of open textbooks in print for faculty examination.
The College of Education and Human Development funding supports staff outside the Libraries.
Faculty training
Funding for student assistants
Membership in Open Textbook Network
Participation in OTN
Potentially, multi-user e-textbooks
Professional development
See above. [Lead faculty member is providing some grant funds to pilot a stipend program in spring
2016.] The first round of applications has just been submitted, reviewed, and awarded.
Support for institutional initiatives
The campus bookstore has a digital publishing service and also offers a platform for access to
online texts.
The faculty member receives a NSA award potentially it could be used for student workers,
equipment, etc.—but usually it is seen as an award for the additional time needed to create an alternate
textbook project.
Training for library staff and faculty.
10. Is it expected that this funding will continue or are there other plans to fund/sustain the initiative
in the future? N=33
This funding will continue 24 73%
There are other funding plans 9 27%
If there are other plans to fund/sustain the initiative in the future, please briefly describe them.
Grant funding is over 18 months. Provost office has promised adequate support for five years.
If the pilot stipend program is successful, the plan is to seek funding from central university
administration to continue the incentive program.
It’s unclear if funding will continue at this time.
No option that matches my answer. Funding future uncertain beyond 1st year presidential pilot.
Still being determined.
We are in first round future funding will be pursued via provost, student fees, and endowment.
We will need to include a funding model in our recommendations.
When the initial funding is expended, we plan to seek funding support from the university.
Funding will continue N=8
Again, these are specific one-time projects.
Continuing funding will come from a mixture of self-funded core operating expenses and project-based
grant funding.
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