31 SPEC Kit 351: Affordable Course Content and Open Educational Resources
Conducts Assessment Yes Plan to %
University bookstore 1 0 5%
Local or regional consortium 1 0 5%
Faculty development center 0 1 5%
Faculty governance body or organization (e.g., faculty senate) 0 0 —
Student organization(s) 0 0 —
University press 0 0 —
University system-level administration or unit 0 0 —
Other entity 4 1 23%
If you indicated that an academic department, consortium, or other entity is conducting
assessments, please identify the academic department, consortium, and/or other entity. N=7
College/academic department/unit N=1
Outreach College
Local or regional consortium N=1
Campus Alberta OER Initiative
Other entity N=5
Admissions Office of the School of Public Health
Emory Center for Digital Scholarship
OER Textbook Working Group
Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment
UCI Open
22. If an assessment has been done, are the results shared publicly? N=18
Yes 7 39%
No 11 61%
If yes, where? N=6
Presentations at faculty teaching events
Publication forthcoming
Report published online (3 responses)
Yes, in reports shared with senior administrators, colleagues, and at conferences, in which individual
recipients are not described in any identifiable way.
23. Please indicate the types of ACC/OER support activities/services your library currently provides
or plans to provide. Check all that apply. N=42
Conducts Assessment Yes Plan to %
University bookstore 1 0 5%
Local or regional consortium 1 0 5%
Faculty development center 0 1 5%
Faculty governance body or organization (e.g., faculty senate) 0 0 —
Student organization(s) 0 0 —
University press 0 0 —
University system-level administration or unit 0 0 —
Other entity 4 1 23%
If you indicated that an academic department, consortium, or other entity is conducting
assessments, please identify the academic department, consortium, and/or other entity. N=7
College/academic department/unit N=1
Outreach College
Local or regional consortium N=1
Campus Alberta OER Initiative
Other entity N=5
Admissions Office of the School of Public Health
Emory Center for Digital Scholarship
OER Textbook Working Group
Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment
UCI Open
22. If an assessment has been done, are the results shared publicly? N=18
Yes 7 39%
No 11 61%
If yes, where? N=6
Presentations at faculty teaching events
Publication forthcoming
Report published online (3 responses)
Yes, in reports shared with senior administrators, colleagues, and at conferences, in which individual
recipients are not described in any identifiable way.
23. Please indicate the types of ACC/OER support activities/services your library currently provides
or plans to provide. Check all that apply. N=42