28 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
In our IP policy, the institution waives copyright for scholarly works, unless more than normal support
is received by the author. Whether a particular type of work is owned by the author or the institution is
determined by the circumstances.
Our faculty code doesn’t explicitly encourage faculty adopt/adapt/create OER but the language about
what qualifies as research &scholarship is vague enough that creation of OER could be counted as
a scholarly activity. For example, “Contributions to a profession through published discussion of
methods or through public demonstration of an achieved skill should be recognized as furthering
the University’s educational function. Included among these contributions are professional service
activities that address the professional advancement of individuals from underrepresented groups from
the faculty member’s field.”
Our first round promoting OER required that faculty members attend a workshop and review an OER.
Our next round asks faculty members to attend a workshop and adopt an OER or library-licensed
material in place of a traditional textbook.
The faculty of the School of Public Health consider creating and sharing educational material part of
their basic mission.
The university’s IP policies don’t provide clear black/white answers to the ownership questions on
the three categories of works. This is in part because ownership often depends on the identity/status
of the author: faculty vs. student vs. EHRA/SHRA (exempt or subject to the state’s Human Resources
Act), etc.
“The University owns/has rights to all materials developed within an employee’s scope of employment
except ‘scholarly and academic works (such as journal articles, books and papers) created by academic
and research faculty who use generally available University resources.’“ BUT “The University asserts
its right of copyright ownership if significant University resources (including sponsor-provided funds)
are used in the creation of such works, and: (a) the work generates royalty payments or (b) the work is
of commercial value that can be realized by University marketing efforts.”
There are policy discussions occurring at university governance levels.
There are very few incentives beyond faculty concern for their students. There are, however, pockets
of support.
Traditional products of scholarly activity have been considered to be unrestricted property of
the author.
Unless work is “work for hire” faculty own IP.
With no budget set aside for financial incentives, our initiative relies on one-to-one outreach with
faculty, outreach to departments, and the promise that the strength of the UTL collective is such that
the actual composition of course readings lists will change very little, if at all. Our initiative has been
targeted at faculty using course packs.
18. What types of resources have faculty adopted, adapted, or created as part of the ACC/OER
initiative? Check all that apply. N=30
Resources Created
Textbook 8 9 13 10 14 24
Readings or articles 6 12 13 10 13 21
In our IP policy, the institution waives copyright for scholarly works, unless more than normal support
is received by the author. Whether a particular type of work is owned by the author or the institution is
determined by the circumstances.
Our faculty code doesn’t explicitly encourage faculty adopt/adapt/create OER but the language about
what qualifies as research &scholarship is vague enough that creation of OER could be counted as
a scholarly activity. For example, “Contributions to a profession through published discussion of
methods or through public demonstration of an achieved skill should be recognized as furthering
the University’s educational function. Included among these contributions are professional service
activities that address the professional advancement of individuals from underrepresented groups from
the faculty member’s field.”
Our first round promoting OER required that faculty members attend a workshop and review an OER.
Our next round asks faculty members to attend a workshop and adopt an OER or library-licensed
material in place of a traditional textbook.
The faculty of the School of Public Health consider creating and sharing educational material part of
their basic mission.
The university’s IP policies don’t provide clear black/white answers to the ownership questions on
the three categories of works. This is in part because ownership often depends on the identity/status
of the author: faculty vs. student vs. EHRA/SHRA (exempt or subject to the state’s Human Resources
Act), etc.
“The University owns/has rights to all materials developed within an employee’s scope of employment
except ‘scholarly and academic works (such as journal articles, books and papers) created by academic
and research faculty who use generally available University resources.’“ BUT “The University asserts
its right of copyright ownership if significant University resources (including sponsor-provided funds)
are used in the creation of such works, and: (a) the work generates royalty payments or (b) the work is
of commercial value that can be realized by University marketing efforts.”
There are policy discussions occurring at university governance levels.
There are very few incentives beyond faculty concern for their students. There are, however, pockets
of support.
Traditional products of scholarly activity have been considered to be unrestricted property of
the author.
Unless work is “work for hire” faculty own IP.
With no budget set aside for financial incentives, our initiative relies on one-to-one outreach with
faculty, outreach to departments, and the promise that the strength of the UTL collective is such that
the actual composition of course readings lists will change very little, if at all. Our initiative has been
targeted at faculty using course packs.
18. What types of resources have faculty adopted, adapted, or created as part of the ACC/OER
initiative? Check all that apply. N=30
Resources Created
Textbook 8 9 13 10 14 24
Readings or articles 6 12 13 10 13 21