11 SPEC Kit 351: Affordable Course Content and Open Educational Resources
We have started with an affordable course content approach that combines both licensed
library content with open content but we are expanding in the direction of incentivizing open
textbook adoptions.
Not yet N=1
We are thinking through both options but have not yet settled on a direction.
If you answered Yes or an initiative is in the planning stage, please complete the survey.
If you answered No or not yet, you will jump to the section Future Library ACC/OER Role.
2. Please indicate which entity(ies) originated the ACC/OER initiative and which are involved in
implementing it. Check all that apply. N=45
Entity Originated Implementing N
Library 29 33 38
High-level administration (president, provost, vice provost, etc.) 17 10 22
Teaching and learning group 5 16 17
Instructional design group 8 15 16
Student organization(s) 8 8 14
College/academic department/unit 9 15 17
University bookstore 6 9 10
Local or regional consortium 6 6 8
Academic computing 4 6 7
Faculty development center 1 7 7
University system-level administration or unit 3 2 5
University press 3 4 4
Faculty governance body or organization (e.g., faculty senate) 1 2 3
Other entity 8 8 10
Total Responses 45 45 45
If you indicated that an academic department, consortium, or other entity originated the
initiative, please identify the academic department, consortium, and/or other entity. N=18
College/academic department/unit N=7
Center for Media Citizenship
Economics department created a textbook and worked with the bookstore to implement, but this
text is no longer in use. The bookstore has worked on a number of affordable textbook initiatives with
academic departments. The Libraries have created a campus OER Interest Group.
Faculty of Engineering
Office of Distance Education and eLearning (ODEE)
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