44 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Marketing campaign skills and knowledge of distribution channels
Need: The skills that were not selected are ones we know are available elsewhere on campus or in the
university system. They’re important, but library staff don’t necessarily need to have them because we
know we can get them outside the library. Most important: the ability to listen and really understand
and address a need. This is part of doing a reference interview (also selected), but I wanted to call it out
on its own.
31. What professional development opportunities have library employees found helpful to further
their knowledge, skills, and abilities in support of the initiative? Check all that apply. N=40
Professional conferences 32 80%
In-person training/workshops 29 73%
Virtual training/Webinars 27 68%
Online discussion groups/professional communication 24 60%
Other professional development opportunities 5 13%
Please briefly describe the other professional development opportunities. N=5
ASERL [Association of Southeastern Research Libraries] webinars, CCC-OER [Community College
Consortium for Open Educational Resources] webinars, and discussion via the SPARC Lib-OER group
have been extremely helpful. Training from the Gen textbook network has been helpful. There are not
many in-person training opportunities on this topic.
EdX meetings
In-person training/workshops are currently in planning.
The library staff on the working group/advisory team have benefited from an early onsite visit from a
scholarly communications officer from Amherst, where a well developed program exists the research
the lead faculty member has done and shared in group meetings a survey conducted on a scholarly
communications listserv, a faculty development listserv, and a health sciences listserv research
assistant’s compilation of information on OER programs from university websites discussions at
meetings of the larger advisory group members
We will be hosting an onsite staff workshop on open textbooks this spring semester.
32. Please briefly describe what you envision as the role of research libraries in affordable course
content services in the future. N=45
Academic research libraries will play a key role in facilitating discovery of and access to open
educational resources. Library publishing services will provide alternatives to commercial publishing
options. Academic libraries will work with faculty to leverage licensed and purchased digital
collections as affordable course content.
Advocacy and promotion within university to faculty through digital and liaison services.
Building awareness about the real costs of commercial course content and supporting campus
initiatives towards providing more affordable course content options.
Marketing campaign skills and knowledge of distribution channels
Need: The skills that were not selected are ones we know are available elsewhere on campus or in the
university system. They’re important, but library staff don’t necessarily need to have them because we
know we can get them outside the library. Most important: the ability to listen and really understand
and address a need. This is part of doing a reference interview (also selected), but I wanted to call it out
on its own.
31. What professional development opportunities have library employees found helpful to further
their knowledge, skills, and abilities in support of the initiative? Check all that apply. N=40
Professional conferences 32 80%
In-person training/workshops 29 73%
Virtual training/Webinars 27 68%
Online discussion groups/professional communication 24 60%
Other professional development opportunities 5 13%
Please briefly describe the other professional development opportunities. N=5
ASERL [Association of Southeastern Research Libraries] webinars, CCC-OER [Community College
Consortium for Open Educational Resources] webinars, and discussion via the SPARC Lib-OER group
have been extremely helpful. Training from the Gen textbook network has been helpful. There are not
many in-person training opportunities on this topic.
EdX meetings
In-person training/workshops are currently in planning.
The library staff on the working group/advisory team have benefited from an early onsite visit from a
scholarly communications officer from Amherst, where a well developed program exists the research
the lead faculty member has done and shared in group meetings a survey conducted on a scholarly
communications listserv, a faculty development listserv, and a health sciences listserv research
assistant’s compilation of information on OER programs from university websites discussions at
meetings of the larger advisory group members
We will be hosting an onsite staff workshop on open textbooks this spring semester.
32. Please briefly describe what you envision as the role of research libraries in affordable course
content services in the future. N=45
Academic research libraries will play a key role in facilitating discovery of and access to open
educational resources. Library publishing services will provide alternatives to commercial publishing
options. Academic libraries will work with faculty to leverage licensed and purchased digital
collections as affordable course content.
Advocacy and promotion within university to faculty through digital and liaison services.
Building awareness about the real costs of commercial course content and supporting campus
initiatives towards providing more affordable course content options.