15 SPEC Kit 351: Affordable Course Content and Open Educational Resources
UCI Open is a unit of University Extension and has ongoing responsibility in this area. It has a staff of
~3.5 FTE.
We are planning to create a campus-wide task force in Fall 2016. I would like to see representation from
faculty, educational technology, education research/teaching/pedagogy training department, library,
and students.
We do not have an umbrella structure focused on OER initiatives.
We have just had a few librarians working on this. One librarian has been given a limited amount
of job duties in this area. Vice-President for IT who is also Dean of Libraries is supporting this.
Administration approves. No real group or governing body. Student group is also interested.
We’ve had a working group/task force in the past. Now most of the OER work is done as an ongoing
process when we find content—or develop content—for MOOCs (massive open online course) and other
types of open courses.
4. How many individuals participate in this governing body? N=33
Standing committee N=7
Respondents reported the following numbers of individuals in their governing bodies: 4, 8, 10, 12, 12, 12,
and 26: 2 co-chairs (voting) 15 voting members 9 non-voting members.
Limited term task force/working group N=9
Respondents reported the following numbers of individuals in their limited term task force/working
group: 5, 6, 8, 8, 10, 13, 14, 20, and variable.
Other structure N=17
Respondents reported the following numbers of individuals in their other structure: 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 5, 5,
5, between 5-7, numbers fluctuating between 5-10, 6, 6, 6, around 10, 14, 15, and 25 across 9 campuses.
One respondent planning a committee with five members (listed above) indicated: “Our plans call for
creating a committee with five members. This committee will primarily review and approve proposals.
They may also assist with keeping participants on track to complete their projects in a suitable
time frame.“
5. Please indicate which entities these participants represent and which entity takes the lead in the
governing body. Check all that apply. N=35
Entity Participant
Leads governing body
Library 31 14
Student organization(s) 17 1
Teaching and learning group 15 2
High-level administration (president, provost, vice provost, etc.) 13 8
College/academic department/unit 11 2
Academic computing 10 1
Instructional design group 9 2
University bookstore 8 1
Faculty governance body or organization (e.g., faculty senate) 7 0
UCI Open is a unit of University Extension and has ongoing responsibility in this area. It has a staff of
~3.5 FTE.
We are planning to create a campus-wide task force in Fall 2016. I would like to see representation from
faculty, educational technology, education research/teaching/pedagogy training department, library,
and students.
We do not have an umbrella structure focused on OER initiatives.
We have just had a few librarians working on this. One librarian has been given a limited amount
of job duties in this area. Vice-President for IT who is also Dean of Libraries is supporting this.
Administration approves. No real group or governing body. Student group is also interested.
We’ve had a working group/task force in the past. Now most of the OER work is done as an ongoing
process when we find content—or develop content—for MOOCs (massive open online course) and other
types of open courses.
4. How many individuals participate in this governing body? N=33
Standing committee N=7
Respondents reported the following numbers of individuals in their governing bodies: 4, 8, 10, 12, 12, 12,
and 26: 2 co-chairs (voting) 15 voting members 9 non-voting members.
Limited term task force/working group N=9
Respondents reported the following numbers of individuals in their limited term task force/working
group: 5, 6, 8, 8, 10, 13, 14, 20, and variable.
Other structure N=17
Respondents reported the following numbers of individuals in their other structure: 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 5, 5,
5, between 5-7, numbers fluctuating between 5-10, 6, 6, 6, around 10, 14, 15, and 25 across 9 campuses.
One respondent planning a committee with five members (listed above) indicated: “Our plans call for
creating a committee with five members. This committee will primarily review and approve proposals.
They may also assist with keeping participants on track to complete their projects in a suitable
time frame.“
5. Please indicate which entities these participants represent and which entity takes the lead in the
governing body. Check all that apply. N=35
Entity Participant
Leads governing body
Library 31 14
Student organization(s) 17 1
Teaching and learning group 15 2
High-level administration (president, provost, vice provost, etc.) 13 8
College/academic department/unit 11 2
Academic computing 10 1
Instructional design group 9 2
University bookstore 8 1
Faculty governance body or organization (e.g., faculty senate) 7 0