24 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
We are in the middle of the first round of incentive funding. Expect ~15 faculty to be funded.
We did provide $200 stipends for reviewing a textbook in the Open Textbook Library. Aside from that,
we have not provided any other incentives. Since the OER committee is just forming, it’s early days
for us.
We have not yet distributed any funds to faculty.
We’re still in very early planning stages nothing has been implemented yet.
14. Please indicate if the incentive program includes any of the following requirements for faculty
participants. Check all that apply. N=28
Supply data regarding the size of the course and previous textbook cost 17 61%
Submit periodic updates regarding their project 14 50%
Openly license original created works (e.g., apply a Creative Commons
10 36%
Share adapted or newly created works with your institution 10 36%
Assess student learning as a result of the project 10 36%
Use only openly licensed content 8 29%
Report whether they are using the learning material for a certain number
of years
8 29%
Share adapted or newly created works beyond your institution 6 21%
Present to campus members as part of a faculty showcase 6 21%
Reduce student textbook costs to zero 5 18%
Participate in a faculty learning community 5 18%
Establish a research component related to the project 4 14%
Reduce auxiliary resource costs to students to zero 3 11%
Present the project beyond campus members 3 11%
Other requirement 11 39%
Please specify the other requirement. N=11
Clearly articulate how the project will be sustained once the funds have been expended.
Faculty are required to use the learning material for a minimum of two semesters.
Report experience with the program.
Share info about their efforts via our faculty Partnership for Affordable Content showcase page https://
www.lib.umn.edu/elearning/partnership/showcase. Our incentive program strongly encourages all of
the behaviors checked off above. Require may be too strong of a word. Experience to date indicates that
faculty who participate in our incentive program do all of these things.
Stop using a commercial textbook for which there is a cost to students. I would say that most of all the
items on this list have been an outcome of our project, but the operative word here is “required” and we
don’t place too many requirements on the project participants other than that they share what they are
doing with others in their department and submit an evaluation at the end of the semester.
There are no requirements to use OERs as such, but awardees are encouraged to better integrate library
resources into their course materials and to consider lower-cost options to high-priced course materials
(or lower-cost access methods rather than purchase). Each awardee also receives personal assistance
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