29 SPEC Kit 351: Affordable Course Content and Open Educational Resources
Resources Created
Library-licensed content 1 17 4 4 0 20
Videos 4 8 9 5 14 19
Websites 5 6 10 8 13 19
Images 4 4 10 4 10 15
Online simulations 2 1 4 2 6 10
Open source software or code 1 0 4 5 3 7
Software packages 0 2 1 1 2 6
“Clicker” software 0 1 0 1 0 2
Other resource 0 1 2 1 3 5
Total Responses 12 18 20 20 23 30
If you selected Other resource/Adopted, please briefly describe the resource. N=2
Open access “applets” for a statistics course.
We have had several faculty use primary research resources available through our special collections.
If you selected Other resource/Adapted, please briefly describe the resource. N=1
Test question/exam banks
If you selected Other resource/Created, please briefly describe the resource. N=3
An e-book with public domain literature for an American Literature to 1865 course.
Open Courses (on EdX and Coursera)
Test question/exam banks
Additional comments N=2
Just launching the OER stipend pilot so we do not have this information yet.
We are still surveying to see what has been used.
19. Has there been any assessment of the impact of ACC/OER on teaching and learning? N=42
Yes 17 41%
Not yet, but we plan to 19 45%
No and we have no plans to 6 14%
20. If yes, what metrics have been used? Check all that apply. N=17
Number of dollars saved by students 9 53%
Number of students using OER 8 47%
Number of students using ACC 6 35%
Number of faculty replacing course materials with OER 5 29%
Resources Created
Library-licensed content 1 17 4 4 0 20
Videos 4 8 9 5 14 19
Websites 5 6 10 8 13 19
Images 4 4 10 4 10 15
Online simulations 2 1 4 2 6 10
Open source software or code 1 0 4 5 3 7
Software packages 0 2 1 1 2 6
“Clicker” software 0 1 0 1 0 2
Other resource 0 1 2 1 3 5
Total Responses 12 18 20 20 23 30
If you selected Other resource/Adopted, please briefly describe the resource. N=2
Open access “applets” for a statistics course.
We have had several faculty use primary research resources available through our special collections.
If you selected Other resource/Adapted, please briefly describe the resource. N=1
Test question/exam banks
If you selected Other resource/Created, please briefly describe the resource. N=3
An e-book with public domain literature for an American Literature to 1865 course.
Open Courses (on EdX and Coursera)
Test question/exam banks
Additional comments N=2
Just launching the OER stipend pilot so we do not have this information yet.
We are still surveying to see what has been used.
19. Has there been any assessment of the impact of ACC/OER on teaching and learning? N=42
Yes 17 41%
Not yet, but we plan to 19 45%
No and we have no plans to 6 14%
20. If yes, what metrics have been used? Check all that apply. N=17
Number of dollars saved by students 9 53%
Number of students using OER 8 47%
Number of students using ACC 6 35%
Number of faculty replacing course materials with OER 5 29%