12 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Outreach College
School of Public Health
The College of Education and Human Development has a separate effort focused on Open Textbooks.
Local or regional consortium N=6
Boston Library Consortium/Open Textbook Network
Campus Alberta Open Educational Resources (OER) Initiative
CIC [Committee on Institutional Cooperation]
Maryland PIRG (Public Interest Research Group)
OCUL [Ontario Council of University Libraries]
UALC [Utah Academic Library Consortium]
Other entity N=7
Faculty member in the School of Information and Library Science
Individual students not part of student government
NJ PIRG [New Jersey Public Interest Research Group]
The Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship sponsors an Initiative on Technology-
Enhanced Learning (ITEL), which has produced some OER materials. I’m not sure that you would call
it a campus-wide initiative, though. ITEL does more than just OER.
University Extension/Distance Learning Center, now reorganized as the Division of Continuing
Education and the Division of Teaching and Learning.
Vanderbilt Institute for Digital Learning
Virginia History Lab, Jefferson Trust, Alumni Hall
If you indicated that an academic department, consortium, or other entity is involved in
implementing the initiative, please identify the academic department, consortium, and/or other
entity. N=19
College/academic department/unit N=11
Center for Media Citizenship
Center for Teaching &Learning of the School of Public Health
College of Letters &Sciences, Learning Support Services unit
DELTA/Distance Learning and Faculty Development Office
Faculty of Engineering
General Faculties Council, Teaching and Learning Committee
Office of Teaching, Learning &Technology
Outreach College
The College of Education and Human Development has a separate effort focused on Open Textbooks.
The OpenChem initiative is a collaboration between University Extension (Division of Continuing
Education), the School of Physical Sciences, and the Chemistry Department.
Outreach College
School of Public Health
The College of Education and Human Development has a separate effort focused on Open Textbooks.
Local or regional consortium N=6
Boston Library Consortium/Open Textbook Network
Campus Alberta Open Educational Resources (OER) Initiative
CIC [Committee on Institutional Cooperation]
Maryland PIRG (Public Interest Research Group)
OCUL [Ontario Council of University Libraries]
UALC [Utah Academic Library Consortium]
Other entity N=7
Faculty member in the School of Information and Library Science
Individual students not part of student government
NJ PIRG [New Jersey Public Interest Research Group]
The Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship sponsors an Initiative on Technology-
Enhanced Learning (ITEL), which has produced some OER materials. I’m not sure that you would call
it a campus-wide initiative, though. ITEL does more than just OER.
University Extension/Distance Learning Center, now reorganized as the Division of Continuing
Education and the Division of Teaching and Learning.
Vanderbilt Institute for Digital Learning
Virginia History Lab, Jefferson Trust, Alumni Hall
If you indicated that an academic department, consortium, or other entity is involved in
implementing the initiative, please identify the academic department, consortium, and/or other
entity. N=19
College/academic department/unit N=11
Center for Media Citizenship
Center for Teaching &Learning of the School of Public Health
College of Letters &Sciences, Learning Support Services unit
DELTA/Distance Learning and Faculty Development Office
Faculty of Engineering
General Faculties Council, Teaching and Learning Committee
Office of Teaching, Learning &Technology
Outreach College
The College of Education and Human Development has a separate effort focused on Open Textbooks.
The OpenChem initiative is a collaboration between University Extension (Division of Continuing
Education), the School of Physical Sciences, and the Chemistry Department.