26 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Curriculum Resources Research Outputs Learning Software
Faculty and other eligible
authors own the copyright to the
extent such material constitute
pedagogical or scholarly
works the university asserts a
nonexclusive right to make use of
curriculum resources, regardless
of copyright ownership. Copyright
ownership for curriculum materials
is often tied to the amount
and extent of resources the
university has provided for their
creation. The default for copyright
ownership of curriculum materials
also varies by department at the
discretion of that department’s
Ownership will depend on
the nature of the output (data,
copyright works, patentable
works, etc.) and specific
circumstances under which it is
University generally owns software
if it is either patentable or has
commercial value.
Author Author Author (with some exceptions)
Author Author Arizona Board of Regents
Authors Authors Authors
Creator Creator Creator
Creator (unless created with the
use of “university resources”)
Creator (unless created with the
use of “university resources”)
Creator (unless created with the
use of “university resources”)
Depends Creators Shared
Faculty Faculty (does not apply to
It depends
Faculty Faculty Faculty
Faculty Traditional academic works:
faculty Patents/etc.: university/
Faculty Depends Depends on how it is produced.
Faculty (University has license to
Faculty Faculty (after review)
Faculty and departments Faculty and departments Faculty and departments
Faculty author, unless a contract
is signed.
Faculty author, unless a contract
is signed.
Faculty author, unless a contract is
Faculty-developed content
without additional support is
owned by faculty.
This can vary. This can vary.
Faculty member Faculty member Institution
Faculty member Depends-see policy link below Not sure
Faculty unless using “substantial
university resources”
Faculty unless using “substantial
university resources”
Faculty unless using “substantial
university resources”
Faculty/creator Depends Depends
Generally, owned by the faculty
member, teaching/graduate
Generally, owned by the faculty
member, graduate student
Patentable software generally
owned by university unpatentable
software generally owned by
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