27 SPEC Kit 351: Affordable Course Content and Open Educational Resources
Curriculum Resources Research Outputs Learning Software
Institution Institution Institution
Institution Institution Institution
Instructor owns, university has
universal license
Instructor owns If it’s faculty developed they own it.
Instructors, as long as the
resource development doesn’t
require “significant campus
Researchers, unless other
It depends on whether the work
is commissioned by the university
and the extent of university
resources used to create the
Faculty own their own scholarly
It depends on whether the work
is commissioned by the university
and the extent of university
resources used to create the work.
Unclear Creator Creator
University Faculty University
University University University
University and author/researcher University and author/researcher University and author/researcher
University or Author University or Author University or Author
University owns, but employees
may share/openly license with
consent from their dean.
Employees, university retains
rights to use at no cost in
teaching, research, and extension.
Employees must disclose and
offer the university the right to
commercialize. If commercialized,
a pre-established cost-sharing
agreement is activated. Employees
must go through a confusing
process if they want to openly
license software. It is not well-
established, clear, or encouraged.
All rights in scholarly books,
articles, and other publications,
artistic, literary, film, tape, and
musical works (“Literary and
Artistic Works”) are granted to the
faculty, staff, and students who
are the authors.
“All rights in technology created by
faculty members, staff members, or
students with the use of university
facilities or funds administered
by the university are granted to
the university, with income to be
distributed in accordance with this
[Faculty Manual] policy.”
17. Please enter any additional comments you may have about faculty incentives to adopt, adapt, or
create affordable course content/open educational resources. N=14
Complicated. Policy at http://tco.osu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/PatentCopyrightPolicy.pdf.
University Libraries and the OCIO jointly support some of the staff in the Copyright Office, which lives
in the libraries.
Faculty have used participation in UCI Open initiatives as part of research grant applications,
particularly as a means of dissemination. There are a variety of institutional and professional benefits
that fall outside of the narrow issue of faculty incentives.
I know we have an IP policy but I do not know the specifics. I believe that all of the above are viewed
as work-for-hire output that the university owns, but I also believe that in fairness to faculty there are
stipulations for faculty to have some ownership depending on the resource.
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