68 · ARL Academic Law Library Statistics 2010–2011
YALE, cont.
40, 42 This is the total number of law students enrolled in 2010-2011.
All figures are as of 04/30/2010.
3 HeinOnline Libraries: American Law Institute Library -4,616 Bar Journals Library -3,262 History of Bankruptcy, TERA Part III
-359 Intellectual Property Law Collection -3,346 Israel Law Reports -67 Taxation &Economic Reform in America, A Historical
Archive, 1781-2010- 2,508 U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions, and Appeals- 4,573 Making of Modern Law: Primary
Sources I &II -2,225 Legal Treatises, 1800-1926 -25,000. Total equals 45,956.
5.a.i LLMC -4,532 plus 1,018 de-duped from Serials Solutions: AGIS Plus Text, Beck-Online, BNA Online Journals, Canada Law
Book Journals, Canadian Bar Association Journals, Dominion Law Reports Plus, Edward Elgar Publishing, Hart Journals
Online, HeinOnline American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), HeinOnline Association of American Law Schools
(AALS), HeinOnline Bar Journals, HeinOnline Code of Federal Regulations, HeinOnline English Reports, HeinOnline
Federal Register Library, HeinOnline Foreign &International Law Resources Database, HeinOnline Foreign Relations of the
U.S., HeinOnline Law Journal Library, HeinOnline Philip C. Jessup Library, HeinOnline Scottish Legal History, HeinOnline
Session Laws, HeinOnline Subject Compilation of State Laws, HeinOnline Treaties and Agreements Library, HeinOnline U.S.
Attorney General Opinions, HeinOnline United Nations Law Collection, HeinOnline United States Code, HeinOnline World
Constitutions Illustrated, IBFD Online Publications, Investment Arbitration Reporter, Justis, Kluwer Arbitration Online, Kluwer
Law International, Legal Periodicals Full Text, LegalTrac, LexisNexis Academic (Canadian), LexisNexis Quicklaw, LexisNexis
Quicklaw news database, Oxford Reports On International Law, Tax Analysts publications, Taylor &Francis Media and Law
Collection, United Nations Juridical Yearbook, vLex Global, Westlaw for Law Schools.
16-26 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (16a) $281,616 (16b) $360,239 (16c) $427 (16d) $2,725 (16) $645,007 (17) $17,947 (18a)
$681,371 (18b) $935,957 (18c) $46,720 (18) $1,664,048 (20) $92,961 (21) $2,419,963 (22) $82,032 (23) $180,828 (24a) $9,180 (24b) $0 (25)
$39,034 (26) $1,184.
22 MOML: Primary Sources -$70,704 Gale Encyclopedia of American Law -1,994 MARC records -$1,177 &2,108 HeinOnline
Scottish Legal History -$1,203 YBP eBooks -$3,005 &$57 &$1,004 &$780. Total: $82,032.
YALE, cont.
40, 42 This is the total number of law students enrolled in 2010-2011.
All figures are as of 04/30/2010.
3 HeinOnline Libraries: American Law Institute Library -4,616 Bar Journals Library -3,262 History of Bankruptcy, TERA Part III
-359 Intellectual Property Law Collection -3,346 Israel Law Reports -67 Taxation &Economic Reform in America, A Historical
Archive, 1781-2010- 2,508 U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions, and Appeals- 4,573 Making of Modern Law: Primary
Sources I &II -2,225 Legal Treatises, 1800-1926 -25,000. Total equals 45,956.
5.a.i LLMC -4,532 plus 1,018 de-duped from Serials Solutions: AGIS Plus Text, Beck-Online, BNA Online Journals, Canada Law
Book Journals, Canadian Bar Association Journals, Dominion Law Reports Plus, Edward Elgar Publishing, Hart Journals
Online, HeinOnline American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), HeinOnline Association of American Law Schools
(AALS), HeinOnline Bar Journals, HeinOnline Code of Federal Regulations, HeinOnline English Reports, HeinOnline
Federal Register Library, HeinOnline Foreign &International Law Resources Database, HeinOnline Foreign Relations of the
U.S., HeinOnline Law Journal Library, HeinOnline Philip C. Jessup Library, HeinOnline Scottish Legal History, HeinOnline
Session Laws, HeinOnline Subject Compilation of State Laws, HeinOnline Treaties and Agreements Library, HeinOnline U.S.
Attorney General Opinions, HeinOnline United Nations Law Collection, HeinOnline United States Code, HeinOnline World
Constitutions Illustrated, IBFD Online Publications, Investment Arbitration Reporter, Justis, Kluwer Arbitration Online, Kluwer
Law International, Legal Periodicals Full Text, LegalTrac, LexisNexis Academic (Canadian), LexisNexis Quicklaw, LexisNexis
Quicklaw news database, Oxford Reports On International Law, Tax Analysts publications, Taylor &Francis Media and Law
Collection, United Nations Juridical Yearbook, vLex Global, Westlaw for Law Schools.
16-26 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (16a) $281,616 (16b) $360,239 (16c) $427 (16d) $2,725 (16) $645,007 (17) $17,947 (18a)
$681,371 (18b) $935,957 (18c) $46,720 (18) $1,664,048 (20) $92,961 (21) $2,419,963 (22) $82,032 (23) $180,828 (24a) $9,180 (24b) $0 (25)
$39,034 (26) $1,184.
22 MOML: Primary Sources -$70,704 Gale Encyclopedia of American Law -1,994 MARC records -$1,177 &2,108 HeinOnline
Scottish Legal History -$1,203 YBP eBooks -$3,005 &$57 &$1,004 &$780. Total: $82,032.