66 · ARL Academic Law Library Statistics 2010–2011
18-18.c Includes fringe benefits.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2010 revised to 367,609.
1.b.ii Due to cancellations, we weeded a larger number of volumes.
18.a During 2010-2011, the library had two open faculty positions.
18.b The staff wages increased in 2010-2011 because we filled a staff position that was vacant in 2009-2010 and for six months of 2010-
2011, a staff member received additional wages for an interim position.
18.c Student wages decreased because student hours were cut in technical services because of the cancellation of materials that
required updating with loose-leaf pages and pocket parts.
22 The library purchased a Proquest database and made the first of 4 installments on another Proquest database. This was possible
because of MOE funds.
25 In 2009-2010, the library upgraded the ILS system for a cost of $84,725 from stimulus funds.
30 Our reference librarians teach several sections of legal research to law students. Previously, these classes were not counted in the
total library presentations, only out-of-class presentations were counted. Also, an additional reference librarian was added in
All figures are as of 08/31/2011.
All figures are as of 08/31/2011.
1.a Volumes held August 31, 2010 revised to 272,773. Includes 11,939 e-books from aggregate services.
All figures are as of 04/30/2011.
1.a Volumes held April 30, 2010 revised to 225,915. Adjustment includes 10,201 e-books, not previously included.
16-26 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (16a) $133,423 (16b) $951,318 (16c) $4,153 (16d) $0 (16) $1,088,894 (17) $9,963 (18a)
$538,177 (18b) $439,463 (18c) $59,403 (18) $1,037,043 (20) $50,944 (21) $2,186,844 (22) $34,767 (23) $186,807 (24a) $0 (24b) $0 (25)
$73,091 (26) $0.
18-18.c Includes fringe benefits.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2010 revised to 266,039.
1.b, 1.b.i Limited budget available for new purchases.
1.b, 1.b.ii Withdrawals made to increase space for users.
3 Fewer more expensive volumes purchased in 2010-2011.
5.a.i Increase in e-journals based on availability and patron needs.
16.a-16.b Budget decreased some electronic purchases counted in Miscellaneous.
16.c Several video series purchased.
16.d Includes expenditures on electronic monographs and serials.
17 Project to complete and bind serial volumes and prepare volumes for remote storage.
18.c Student budget cut to cover budget reduction.
18-18.c Includes fringe benefits.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2010 revised to 367,609.
1.b.ii Due to cancellations, we weeded a larger number of volumes.
18.a During 2010-2011, the library had two open faculty positions.
18.b The staff wages increased in 2010-2011 because we filled a staff position that was vacant in 2009-2010 and for six months of 2010-
2011, a staff member received additional wages for an interim position.
18.c Student wages decreased because student hours were cut in technical services because of the cancellation of materials that
required updating with loose-leaf pages and pocket parts.
22 The library purchased a Proquest database and made the first of 4 installments on another Proquest database. This was possible
because of MOE funds.
25 In 2009-2010, the library upgraded the ILS system for a cost of $84,725 from stimulus funds.
30 Our reference librarians teach several sections of legal research to law students. Previously, these classes were not counted in the
total library presentations, only out-of-class presentations were counted. Also, an additional reference librarian was added in
All figures are as of 08/31/2011.
All figures are as of 08/31/2011.
1.a Volumes held August 31, 2010 revised to 272,773. Includes 11,939 e-books from aggregate services.
All figures are as of 04/30/2011.
1.a Volumes held April 30, 2010 revised to 225,915. Adjustment includes 10,201 e-books, not previously included.
16-26 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (16a) $133,423 (16b) $951,318 (16c) $4,153 (16d) $0 (16) $1,088,894 (17) $9,963 (18a)
$538,177 (18b) $439,463 (18c) $59,403 (18) $1,037,043 (20) $50,944 (21) $2,186,844 (22) $34,767 (23) $186,807 (24a) $0 (24b) $0 (25)
$73,091 (26) $0.
18-18.c Includes fringe benefits.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2010 revised to 266,039.
1.b, 1.b.i Limited budget available for new purchases.
1.b, 1.b.ii Withdrawals made to increase space for users.
3 Fewer more expensive volumes purchased in 2010-2011.
5.a.i Increase in e-journals based on availability and patron needs.
16.a-16.b Budget decreased some electronic purchases counted in Miscellaneous.
16.c Several video series purchased.
16.d Includes expenditures on electronic monographs and serials.
17 Project to complete and bind serial volumes and prepare volumes for remote storage.
18.c Student budget cut to cover budget reduction.