Footnotes · 57
Footnotes may also include errata and corrections to data not previously reported from prior years. Numbers refer to
columns in Library Data Tables and to Questionnaire numbers. Unless otherwise noted, all figures are as of 06/30/2011.
All figures are as of 09/30/2011.
3 Number represents monographic TITLES purchased.
1.b Purchased more monographs in 2010-2011 we've been cancelling state codes and have fewer discards.
8 Small increase in transmittals in 2010-2011, but a huge decrease in the number of briefs received. The court is phasing out the
practice of sending us the paper briefs.
16.a Purchased less replacements for lost items.
16.c Purchased new microform collection in 2009-2010.
16.d, 24.a Purchased Content DM and LIPA Archive in 2010-2011.
17 Discontinued binding of most legal periodicals.
20 Purchased two copiers and eight desktops for library staff in 2009-2010.
25 Purchased computers for library staff in 2009-2010.
26 Fewer faculty requests.
27.c More students worked more hours because we had less staff.
29 2009-2010 figure should have been 111 as well.
31 Fewer librarians on staff to teach.
32 We have changed the way we keep statistics figure is under-reported due to new staff not keeping stats as they should have.
35 Due to the increase in cancellation of print journals.
36 Decrease in the number of requests received from faculty.
38 2009-2010 figure should be revised to 70.
40 2009-2010 figure should be revised to 581.
41 2009-2010 figure should be revised to 39.
42 2009-2010 figure should be revised to 581.
43 2009-2010 figure should be revised to 39.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2010 revised to 838,885 to include e-book units added to the collection in 2010-2011 as the result of a large
one-time addition to the OPAC.
All figures are as of 05/31/2011.
5 The Law Library does not submit data for Question 5. The University Library answers this question in order to avoid duplication
5.a-5.b.iv The Law Library does not submit data for this question the University Library answers this question.
Footnotes may also include errata and corrections to data not previously reported from prior years. Numbers refer to
columns in Library Data Tables and to Questionnaire numbers. Unless otherwise noted, all figures are as of 06/30/2011.
All figures are as of 09/30/2011.
3 Number represents monographic TITLES purchased.
1.b Purchased more monographs in 2010-2011 we've been cancelling state codes and have fewer discards.
8 Small increase in transmittals in 2010-2011, but a huge decrease in the number of briefs received. The court is phasing out the
practice of sending us the paper briefs.
16.a Purchased less replacements for lost items.
16.c Purchased new microform collection in 2009-2010.
16.d, 24.a Purchased Content DM and LIPA Archive in 2010-2011.
17 Discontinued binding of most legal periodicals.
20 Purchased two copiers and eight desktops for library staff in 2009-2010.
25 Purchased computers for library staff in 2009-2010.
26 Fewer faculty requests.
27.c More students worked more hours because we had less staff.
29 2009-2010 figure should have been 111 as well.
31 Fewer librarians on staff to teach.
32 We have changed the way we keep statistics figure is under-reported due to new staff not keeping stats as they should have.
35 Due to the increase in cancellation of print journals.
36 Decrease in the number of requests received from faculty.
38 2009-2010 figure should be revised to 70.
40 2009-2010 figure should be revised to 581.
41 2009-2010 figure should be revised to 39.
42 2009-2010 figure should be revised to 581.
43 2009-2010 figure should be revised to 39.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2010 revised to 838,885 to include e-book units added to the collection in 2010-2011 as the result of a large
one-time addition to the OPAC.
All figures are as of 05/31/2011.
5 The Law Library does not submit data for Question 5. The University Library answers this question in order to avoid duplication
5.a-5.b.iv The Law Library does not submit data for this question the University Library answers this question.