Footnotes · 59
1 Includes 26,251 e-books.
5.a.i Increase due to improved tracking of packages.
35 Includes 3,220 for fee-based service.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2010 revised to 337,086.
For counts coded as "NA/UA": Unless otherwise noted, counts for Law are included as part of the Main survey, and are not
broken out here.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2010 revised to 451,749. Increase is due to retrospective barcoding. Print volumes only. With 2009-2010
forward, this count does not include an e-book count. All Ithaca/Geneva e-book counts are included in the main survey Law
cannot be broken out.
1.b.i Print volumes only. The 2009-2010 count should have been 7,094. (Retrospective counts mistakenly included.)
1.b.ii The large withdrawals count is due to a record cleanup project for withdrawals that took place in earlier years.
7 Count is no longer kept up to date. The last count (in 2007-2008) was 1,006,433.
9 Count is no longer kept up to date. The last count (in 2009-2010) was 35. That count excluded any computer files that were not
barcoded and/or that accompanied other formats.
11-12 Count is no longer kept up to date. The last count (in 2007-2008) was 0.
13 Excludes any sound recordings that are not barcoded, and/or that accompany other formats.
14 The motion picture count is no longer kept up to date. The last complete film and video count (in 2007-2008) was 230 (0 motion
pictures). Videos/DVDs increased by 13.6% to 334.
16 Includes binding costs.
18.a Includes expenditures for librarians and exempt staff.
18.b Includes expenditures for non-academic non-exempt staff only.
27 Excludes FTEs for student staff. Excludes any short-term temporary staff or any positions that were temporarily vacant on June
27.a Includes librarians and exempt staff.
27.b Includes non-academic non-exempt staff only.
30, 32 Starting with 2010-2011, CUL broadened the coverage of the statistics it keeps on its information contacts with, and presentations
to its users it now records some of its outreach efforts. In the past, some consultations and some sessions planned for one user
were included in the count for presentations to groups. They are now counted as reference transactions.
32 Count is extrapolated from 12 random sampling weeks.
33 Includes ILL lending and some staff transactions.
35 WorldCat Local became CUL's main catalog in June of 2009. Traditional ILL counts include some of the requests submitted by
CUL patrons for items that are available at CUL. As of August 2011, Borrow Direct are title counts rather than volume counts.
All figures are as of 08/31/2011.
1.b, 1.b.i No specific cause identified for change.
5.b The Law Library increased purchases of electronic titles and reduced the more costly print subscriptions.
5.b.iv Decrease due to selection profile changes.
1 Includes 26,251 e-books.
5.a.i Increase due to improved tracking of packages.
35 Includes 3,220 for fee-based service.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2010 revised to 337,086.
For counts coded as "NA/UA": Unless otherwise noted, counts for Law are included as part of the Main survey, and are not
broken out here.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2010 revised to 451,749. Increase is due to retrospective barcoding. Print volumes only. With 2009-2010
forward, this count does not include an e-book count. All Ithaca/Geneva e-book counts are included in the main survey Law
cannot be broken out.
1.b.i Print volumes only. The 2009-2010 count should have been 7,094. (Retrospective counts mistakenly included.)
1.b.ii The large withdrawals count is due to a record cleanup project for withdrawals that took place in earlier years.
7 Count is no longer kept up to date. The last count (in 2007-2008) was 1,006,433.
9 Count is no longer kept up to date. The last count (in 2009-2010) was 35. That count excluded any computer files that were not
barcoded and/or that accompanied other formats.
11-12 Count is no longer kept up to date. The last count (in 2007-2008) was 0.
13 Excludes any sound recordings that are not barcoded, and/or that accompany other formats.
14 The motion picture count is no longer kept up to date. The last complete film and video count (in 2007-2008) was 230 (0 motion
pictures). Videos/DVDs increased by 13.6% to 334.
16 Includes binding costs.
18.a Includes expenditures for librarians and exempt staff.
18.b Includes expenditures for non-academic non-exempt staff only.
27 Excludes FTEs for student staff. Excludes any short-term temporary staff or any positions that were temporarily vacant on June
27.a Includes librarians and exempt staff.
27.b Includes non-academic non-exempt staff only.
30, 32 Starting with 2010-2011, CUL broadened the coverage of the statistics it keeps on its information contacts with, and presentations
to its users it now records some of its outreach efforts. In the past, some consultations and some sessions planned for one user
were included in the count for presentations to groups. They are now counted as reference transactions.
32 Count is extrapolated from 12 random sampling weeks.
33 Includes ILL lending and some staff transactions.
35 WorldCat Local became CUL's main catalog in June of 2009. Traditional ILL counts include some of the requests submitted by
CUL patrons for items that are available at CUL. As of August 2011, Borrow Direct are title counts rather than volume counts.
All figures are as of 08/31/2011.
1.b, 1.b.i No specific cause identified for change.
5.b The Law Library increased purchases of electronic titles and reduced the more costly print subscriptions.
5.b.iv Decrease due to selection profile changes.