Footnotes · 65
1.b.i Revision of Collection Development Policy resulted in cancellation of multi-volume print serial titles, thus reducing volumes
3 Decrease due to fewer electronic monographs acquired from 2009-2010.
5.a.ii Revision of Collection Development Policy resulted in cancellation of serial titles. In addition, all active and inactive serials
records were reviewed and purged if title/volumes no longer owned.
9 SuDoc CD-ROM collection extensively weeded in compliance with GPO depository guidelines.
10 Donation of court case records received Spring 2011.
12 Our collection of historical photographs is not physically counted. Currently stored in 13 cartons, equivalent to 195 cu.ft.
14 Video collection extensively weeded to remove nearly-obsolete VHS titles.
30-31 Legal research instruction performed by librarians was formally integrated into existing law school curriculum, resulting in
considerable increase in instructional presentations.
34 Library instituted an initiative to renew faculty/staff overdue items.
All figures are as of 04/30/2011.
5, 6, 8, 11-12,
22, 24-26, 35-36
Included with Main Library.
16-26 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (16a) $91,522 (16b) $803,766 (16c) $3,070 (16d) $0 (16) $898,358 (17) $10,272 (18a)
$217,364 (18b) $187,348 (18c) $56,080 (18) $460,792 (20) $95,386 (21) $1,464,808 (22) $0 (23) $119,646 (24a) $0 (24b) $0 (25) $0 (26) $0.
16.a 2009-2010 budget not fully expended, resulting in a carryfoward which was expended in 2010-2011.
17 Increased emphasis on electronic serials means a reduction in print serials that require binding.
20 Now includes Fringe Benefits.
27, 27.b Vacant positions not filled.
30-31 One librarian on leave resulted in fewer courses being offered which resulted in fewer participants as well.
32 One librarian on leave resulted in fewer reference hours being offered.
35 Included with Main Library.
36 Included with Main Library.
37-38, 40-43 As at November 2010.
2 Print titles only. [Newark Law Library]
36 2009-2010 figure of 806 was erroneous, should have been 411. [Newark Law Library]
All figures are as of 04/30/2011.
1.b.ii Volumes are withdrawn as needed.
16-26 Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars: (16a) $118,487 (16b) $947,878 (16c) $0 (16d) $0 (16) $1,066,365 (17) $6,587 (18a)
$265,509 (18b) $179,643 (18c) $15,571 (18) $460,723 (20) $0 (21) $1,533,675 (22) $0 (23) $0 (24a) $0 (24b) $0 (25) $0 (26) $0.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2010 revised to 550,432.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2010 revised to 434,660.
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