Footnotes · 61
INDIANA, cont.
1.b.ii A large number of volumes were withdrawn in 2010-2011 due to a reduction in library space.
2 More accurate count of titles in the upcoming 2011-2012 survey.
3 Additional e-books purchased.
5.b.ii Correction.
16 Increase in materials budget.
16.a Fewer monographs purchased other formats purchased.
16.c Increase in nonprint formats purchased.
17 Purchasing fewer books and print periodicals thus, binding less.
18.c Fewer student hours hired.
20 Increase in operating budget.
22 Purchased additional databases and e-books.
24.a Increase in cataloging costs.
27.c Fewer students hired.
33-34 Better circulation data.
35 More requests sent to the library, perhaps via WorldCat Local.
36 WorldCat Local may have increased ease of identifying materials available from other libraries.
3 This is an estimate.
16 This includes $128,328 of unexpended salary funds available only in 2010-2011 that were spent in 2010-2011 for materials.
18 Includes fringe benefits.
18.a Does not include Associate Dean salary or wages. Includes fringe benefits.
18.b-18.c Includes fringe benefits.
1.b In 2009-2010 we purchased a number of new serial titles with high volume counts several new sets of state statutes. In 2010-2011
our new serial titles had much lower volume counts. In 2009-2010 we had 14 new serial titles with a volume count of 368. In 2010-
2011 we had 23 new serial titles with a volume count of 50.
5, 5.a, 5.a.i Increase over 2009-2010 due to purchase of additional electronic serials (BNA Premiere, HeinOnline Bar Journals collection,
HeinOnline Kluwer law journals collection).
17 2010-2011 increase due to bindery budget rebound.
18.a 2010-2011 decrease due to Associate Director transition.
18.c Decrease in student assistant expense in 2010-2011 due to desk coverage by library staff.
20 Increase in 2010-2011 expenditures due to copiers and other miscellaneous expenses.
22 2010-2011 increase in expenditures due to purchase of Making of Modern Law Primary Sources II &Digital Archive Collection.
24.b 2010-2011 increase due to Cassidy cataloging and BCR expenditures.
26 2009-2010 was high in comparison to 2010-2011 due to lost book.
27.a 2010-2011 lower due to Associate Director transition.
36 2010-2011 lower due to less demand for the service.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2010 revised to 463,806.
1.b.i Includes ProQuest Congressional Hearings (retrospective).
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