58 · ARL Academic Law Library Statistics 2010–2011
All figures are as of 12/31/2010.
1.b.ii Due to an updated collection development policy in 2009, the need to withdraw as many in 2010-2011 decreased.
3 Ordered significantly more monographic volumes in 2009-2010 and did not need to order quite as many in 2010-2011.
5.a.i Due to economic conditions and an adjustment to the collection development policy, fewer electronic serials were purchased
than previous year.
16 Due to increase in new faculty researching in new areas, more money was spent on purchases in 2010-2011.
17 New provider was needed for binding because old provider went out of business.
20 Facility improvements to library were made that benefit the students and faculty, including updating compact shelving.
24.a Our Head of Technical Services Librarian contributes to OCLC which balances out what we would pay to OCLC so our monetary
contributions were not necessary in 2010-2011.
30 Decrease in need for presentations to undergraduate groups.
31 Less participants because less presentations.
26, 35 Less requests came in for items that are actually part of our collection.
26, 36 We requested less ILL due to a collection development policy change and an increase in new faculty so more purchases were
made instead of ILL requests.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2010 revised to 14,409. The original figures supplied in 2009-2010 included a percentage assignment from
the main library based on classification. Corrected to just reflect the Law Library actual holdings.
18, 19 Beginning in 2010-2011, salaries and wages include employee benefits, because the UCLA Library must now fund its own
employee benefits.
Questions 29, 37-43 are reported on the Main Library's statistics.
1.b.i The Law Library has access to 10,225 e-books that were added to the collection and are reported in the Main library's statistics.
5.a.i The Law Library has access to 65,123 e-journals that are reported in the Main library's statistics.
1.b.ii Increase in withdrawn books is due to routine maintenance and withdrawal of superseded books and a shelf reading project that
identified lost books.
5.a.i Number of electronic titles in 2009-2010 incorrectly counted.
13 In 2009-2010 audio CDs incorrectly included in audio count now counted as CDs.
16.b Serial funds reallocated to purchase electronic resources.
18.b The Library has filled open full-time support staff positions. There are now no unfilled positions in the library.
22 Purchased Gale U.S. Supreme Court B&R and Making of Modern Law.
24.a Increase expenditures bibliographic utilities.
26 Decrease in the number of books borrowed via ILL by law school students.
27.c Reflects greater reliance on student employees while open positions were unfilled.
1.b The Law Library withdrew runs of many bound American law journals in favor of reliance on online resources.
5, 33-34, 37-43 Included in Main statistics.
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