60 · ARL Academic Law Library Statistics 2010–2011
EMORY, cont.
16.a The Law Library made a focused effort to increase the number of monographs in several areas specified in our collection
development policy.
27.a The Law Library hired one new professional librarian: the Associate Librarian for Research and Electronic Services. The
incumbent joined the staff in August 2011.
1, 1.a Volumes held June 30, 2010 revised to 418,180. The revised figure takes into account large one-time additions to the catalog of a
number of electronic resources, namely, a number of Hein Online e-libraries that are now tracked in Serial Solutions.
1, 1.b, 1.b.i Added volumes reflects both an increase in the purchase of electronic volumes as well as increased accuracy in counting such
electronic volumes.
1.b, 1.b.ii Withdrawn volumes is lower than 2009-2010 due to a smaller amount of weeding projects in 2010-2011.
3 Small decrease in purchases reflective of collection needs in 2010-2011. 2009-2010 was a comparatively high number against prior
5, 5.a, 5.a.i Purchased a number of new electronic serial collections as they became available in HeinOnline et al.
5, 5.b, 5.b.iii We are gradually cancelling serials which are also available to the current issue in HeinOnline.
16 Expenditures were higher due to some one-time monies for various projects.
16.a Due to a decreased number of monographs purchased (Q3, expenditures in this category were lower.
16.c This figure includes a one-time $60,000 expenditure for the new ProQuest Legislative Insight product.
16.d The dramatically higher amount reflects a one-time purchase of catalog records for materials in the LexisNexis and Westlaw
17 Increase is due to one-time gift materials which were sent for binding.
18.b Increased staff time on Florida Supreme Court digitization project.
18.c The library hired research assistants in 2010-2011 to work on faculty research projects.
20 Fewer technology purchases 2010-2011.
23 The 2009-2010 figure was lower than average due to some pre-payments that occurred in 2008-2009.
24.b Zero was reported last year in error. $19,945 should have been reported in this category for 2009-2010.
25 This number is lower in 2010-2011 because we completed a periodic replacement/upgrade of computer equipment.
26 Between increased electronic delivery and decreased borrowing costs, ILL had lower expenses in 2010-2011.
27.c As noted in 18c, the library hired research assistants in 2010-2011, which represented an overall increase in student assistant FTE.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2010 revised to 1,801,257.
1.b Deaccessioning projects at Law Library continue.
All figures are as of 08/31/2011.
18-18.c Includes fringe benefits.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2010 revised to 447,334.
1.b Number related to the large number of withdrawals in 2010-2011.
1.b.i Given reduced library space, fewer volumes are being added to the collection.
EMORY, cont.
16.a The Law Library made a focused effort to increase the number of monographs in several areas specified in our collection
development policy.
27.a The Law Library hired one new professional librarian: the Associate Librarian for Research and Electronic Services. The
incumbent joined the staff in August 2011.
1, 1.a Volumes held June 30, 2010 revised to 418,180. The revised figure takes into account large one-time additions to the catalog of a
number of electronic resources, namely, a number of Hein Online e-libraries that are now tracked in Serial Solutions.
1, 1.b, 1.b.i Added volumes reflects both an increase in the purchase of electronic volumes as well as increased accuracy in counting such
electronic volumes.
1.b, 1.b.ii Withdrawn volumes is lower than 2009-2010 due to a smaller amount of weeding projects in 2010-2011.
3 Small decrease in purchases reflective of collection needs in 2010-2011. 2009-2010 was a comparatively high number against prior
5, 5.a, 5.a.i Purchased a number of new electronic serial collections as they became available in HeinOnline et al.
5, 5.b, 5.b.iii We are gradually cancelling serials which are also available to the current issue in HeinOnline.
16 Expenditures were higher due to some one-time monies for various projects.
16.a Due to a decreased number of monographs purchased (Q3, expenditures in this category were lower.
16.c This figure includes a one-time $60,000 expenditure for the new ProQuest Legislative Insight product.
16.d The dramatically higher amount reflects a one-time purchase of catalog records for materials in the LexisNexis and Westlaw
17 Increase is due to one-time gift materials which were sent for binding.
18.b Increased staff time on Florida Supreme Court digitization project.
18.c The library hired research assistants in 2010-2011 to work on faculty research projects.
20 Fewer technology purchases 2010-2011.
23 The 2009-2010 figure was lower than average due to some pre-payments that occurred in 2008-2009.
24.b Zero was reported last year in error. $19,945 should have been reported in this category for 2009-2010.
25 This number is lower in 2010-2011 because we completed a periodic replacement/upgrade of computer equipment.
26 Between increased electronic delivery and decreased borrowing costs, ILL had lower expenses in 2010-2011.
27.c As noted in 18c, the library hired research assistants in 2010-2011, which represented an overall increase in student assistant FTE.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2010 revised to 1,801,257.
1.b Deaccessioning projects at Law Library continue.
All figures are as of 08/31/2011.
18-18.c Includes fringe benefits.
1.a Volumes held June 30, 2010 revised to 447,334.
1.b Number related to the large number of withdrawals in 2010-2011.
1.b.i Given reduced library space, fewer volumes are being added to the collection.