Footnotes · 63
16 The significant increase in all library materials, particularly "other" and "misc" account for this increase.
16.c This drastic change is the result of errors recorded in previous years.
17 Increased preservation efforts account for this increase in spending.
20 There is no simple method for gathering these data however this change may be due to the budget cuts which negatively impact
all expenditures.
21 This significant increase is due to uncharacteristic expenditures in contract binding and particularly "other library materials."
22 Currently, the libraries is not investing in one-time e-resource purchases as it has in the past. We expect this trend to continue.
25 The computer replacement cycle has not run its course, so there were less computers and software to upgrade and purchase.
27.a An additional librarian was hired in 2010-2011.
27.c Due to budget cuts a student assistant was not hired in 2010-2011.
30-31 Demand for instruction in the College of Law increased.
All figures are as of 08/31/2011.
1.a Volumes held August 31, 2010 revised to 779,506.
1.b Less volumes withdrawn and more added from 2009-2010 to 2010-2011.
3 Increase due to series monographs (multi-volume monographs).
5.a.i More electronic titles purchased.
18.c Reduction in student personnel in compliance with Law School budgets.
20 Reduction in expenses in compliance with Law School budgets.
25 Decrease in technology expenses due to increased spending in other budgetary lines.
30 Varies depending on demand for services.
1.b Reduction in net volumes added during year reflects loss of library space and subsequent withdrawal of volumes, plus reduced
spending on new materials due to budget cuts.
1.b.i Reduced acquisitions in 2010-2011 because of budget cuts.
1.b.ii Increase in volumes withdrawn reflects loss of library space and subsequent withdrawal of volumes.
3 Reduction in volumes purchased due to budget cuts.
5.a.i Increase in electronic serials due to continuing shift in collection to focus on more electronic resources.
9 Increase represents continuing shift to focus more on electronic materials.
16.c Elimination of expenditures in "other materials" category reflects budget cuts.
17 Reduction in contract binding expenditures due to budget cuts.
18 Overall wages increase due to increase in professional and student wage categories.
18.a Increase in professional wages was result of addition of electronic resources librarian position and one graduate assistant.
18.c Increase in student assistant wages due to more student assistants at service desks.
31 Decrease in instructional session participants reflects more accurate count of for-credit classes that librarians teach. Number of
sessions were about the same in 2009-2010.
34 Circulation counted more accurately in 2010-2011. Despite apparent decrease, actual circulation activity remained about the
same as in 2009-2010.
37-43 Data reported with University Library report.
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