Footnotes · 79
Library branches included: Taylor Family Digital Library Health Sciences Library Bennett Jones
Law Library Business Library Gallagher Library Doucette Library The Military Museum Library
Downtown Campus Library University of Calgary Qatar -Learning Commons.
2 Volume count includes 2,937,874 print volumes and 851,626 e-books.
6 The increase is largely due to two factors: 1) we received $1.3 million additional funding for the collections
budget, and 2) we assumed responsibility for a new unit.
7.c Includes: document delivery, binding, software, metadata, shelf-ready processing, open access
publishing, memberships, evaluations, digitization charges and shipping. Additional monies were added
to the Collections Budget this year.
8.b We assumed responsibility for a new unit and this added to the support staff numbers.
9 We assumed responsibility for a new unit also some charges were covered under the new building for
the past two years but that is over now.
6–9, 10,
Expenditures as reported in Canadian dollars—Collections Expenditures: (7a) $2,598,343 (7b) $9,054,718
(7c) $1,438,336 (7) $13,091,397 Salary Expenditures: (8a) $6,719,345 (8b) $9,084,453 (8c) $618,230 (8)
$16,422,028 (10) $3,382,118 Overall Expenditures: (7) $13,091,397 (8) $16,422,028 (9) $1,405,680 (6)
$30,919,105 (12) $324,527. NOTE: Total Salaries and Wages (Q8) EXCLUDES Fringe Benefits Expenditures
11 This is the designated fringe benefits percentage for professional librarians.
12 This number varies greatly from year to year this past year we received $61,000 to assist with the
processing of a very large donation.
18 Consists of Consolidated Journal Report 1 and 1a—full-text article requests by Journal Title and from an
archive by journal title.
19 Consolidated Database Report 3. Decrease in search numbers against individual databases is because
users are running searches through a single search box on the front page of our library website instead of
through the native interface of some databases e.g. ProQuest.
20 We are not able to report the majority of this activity as this category within Scholarly Statistics does not
include usage of Summon, our unified Discovery Service. Vendors are not reporting significant numbers
after May 12, 2012 e.g., CSA Illumina reported zero federated searches after this date.
23 The number of fields where PhDs were offered increased slightly.
29 The Faculty of Education restructured their graduate programs in 2011 so the majority are now registered
as full-time students. The new structure is not conducive to completing programs as part-time students.
Library branches included: Anthropology, Art History/Classics, Bancroft, Bioscience &Natural
Resources, Business, Chemistry/Chemical Engineering, Data Lab, Doe, Earth Sciences/Maps, East Asian,
Education/Psychology, Engineering, Environmental Design, Graduate Services, Mathematics/Statistics,
Media Resources Center, Moffitt, Morrison, Music, Newspapers/Microforms, Optometry/Health Sciences,
Northern Regional Library Facility, Physics/Astronomy, Public Health, Social Welfare, South/Southeast
Asia, CED Visual Resources Center, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, Environmental Design
Archives, Ethnic Studies Library, Institute of Governmental Studies, Institute for Research on Labor and
Employment, Institute of Transportation Studies, Law.
6 Total Library expenditures went down due to a significant decrease in salaries and a dip in our
monograph purchases other operating expenditures increased measurably.
8 We experienced a decrease in total salaries in large part due to retirements and turnover experienced
during the year.
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