Footnotes · 127
7.a Budget Sequestration reductions affected Federal buying power of monographs and other one-time
resources in FY13.
7.b The overall cost of electronic resources increased, and Elsevier misquoted on the prior year’s package
causing SIL to have to pay the balance of what should have been FY12 expenses in FY13.
7.c Budget Sequestration reductions affected Federal buying power in FY13 in binding and contract
9 Budget Sequestration reductions affected Federal buying power in FY13 causing reduction of other library
operating expenditures.
15 Although the number of presentations to groups was up by 15.9% over last year, the number of
participants decreased by 26.8%. We do not have evidence of why, but in this year of sequestration
reductions and furloughs, possibly it relates to cuts in travel and staff’s ability to attend.
16 Reference is down by 10.2% from last year, possibly reflecting a shift to self/online searches by patrons.
17 Initial circulations are down by 10.5%, possibly due to the trend toward electronic research.
18 Requests for full-text articles increased by 13.8% over last year, possibly reflecting the trend toward more
self/online research.
19 Number of database searches increased by 25.3% over last year, possibly reflecting the trend toward more
self/online research.
22 ILL borrowing was up 48.6% (1,675) in part due to Elsevier’s cutting off service because of their FY12 quote
error and lateness of their FY13 quote and subsequent PO’s and payments thereof.
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