64 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
Benefit 1 Benefit 2 Benefit 3
Increased discoverability and usability,
as well as faster access times, e.g.,
Less library processing, of monographic
content to a larger group of users 24/7.
They just save the users loads of time
and energy when they work right.
The ability to purchase a publisher’s
entire monographic output and save
the time and energy of cherry picking
lists and individual processing. Libraries
could NEVER do this in the print
environment!! It is a great assistance in
moving “digital” libraries to where they
ought to be.
Saves space, shelving, efforts to save
paper and binding!
It makes available historic and primary
texts which we would otherwise not be
able to obtain.
Savings of maintenance costs: shelves,
reshelving replacing lost books.
Preservation benefits--the book will not
become brittle.
More easily updated and kept up to
date, replacing some reference books.
For users: increases 24/7 access to
scholarly materials in disciplines that are
book heavy.
Easier to search and discover useful
information online browsability.
Possible integration with course
Multiple sim. Users for high use items. Ability to connect to content in
Access to reference materials from
remote locations
Multiple simultaneous users Remote use (we have a large campus
with few branch libraries)
Less physical processing and space
Multiple users Saves shelf space (at a premium at our
Cost effective
Multiple users allowed Less staff time on processing titles, No shelf space needed for these items
Multiple users at a time Remote access Searchable content
Multiple users. Remote access from faculty office or off
Savings in physical processing.
No need to purchase multiple copies of
a title.
Frees up shelf space E-Content is more accessible to users.
Offers deeper searching than MARC
subject headings
Provides enhanced multimedia options Keeps the library relevant for online-
savvy users.
Online accessibility across all campuses Available 24/7 User searchability
Patron Driven Acquisition model Remote access
Patrons/users want e-books, 24/7 access Physical space constraints
Physical space savings. Enhanced
functionality beyond print (Knovel for
Available to simultaneous users.
Adopting collection to patron needs (on
demand purchases)
Availability to patrons without visiting
to the library. New opportunities for
university publishing.
Portability Cross searchability-where platforms are
Mashup, copy/paste, cite
Benefit 1 Benefit 2 Benefit 3
Increased discoverability and usability,
as well as faster access times, e.g.,
Less library processing, of monographic
content to a larger group of users 24/7.
They just save the users loads of time
and energy when they work right.
The ability to purchase a publisher’s
entire monographic output and save
the time and energy of cherry picking
lists and individual processing. Libraries
could NEVER do this in the print
environment!! It is a great assistance in
moving “digital” libraries to where they
ought to be.
Saves space, shelving, efforts to save
paper and binding!
It makes available historic and primary
texts which we would otherwise not be
able to obtain.
Savings of maintenance costs: shelves,
reshelving replacing lost books.
Preservation benefits--the book will not
become brittle.
More easily updated and kept up to
date, replacing some reference books.
For users: increases 24/7 access to
scholarly materials in disciplines that are
book heavy.
Easier to search and discover useful
information online browsability.
Possible integration with course
Multiple sim. Users for high use items. Ability to connect to content in
Access to reference materials from
remote locations
Multiple simultaneous users Remote use (we have a large campus
with few branch libraries)
Less physical processing and space
Multiple users Saves shelf space (at a premium at our
Cost effective
Multiple users allowed Less staff time on processing titles, No shelf space needed for these items
Multiple users at a time Remote access Searchable content
Multiple users. Remote access from faculty office or off
Savings in physical processing.
No need to purchase multiple copies of
a title.
Frees up shelf space E-Content is more accessible to users.
Offers deeper searching than MARC
subject headings
Provides enhanced multimedia options Keeps the library relevant for online-
savvy users.
Online accessibility across all campuses Available 24/7 User searchability
Patron Driven Acquisition model Remote access
Patrons/users want e-books, 24/7 access Physical space constraints
Physical space savings. Enhanced
functionality beyond print (Knovel for
Available to simultaneous users.
Adopting collection to patron needs (on
demand purchases)
Availability to patrons without visiting
to the library. New opportunities for
university publishing.
Portability Cross searchability-where platforms are
Mashup, copy/paste, cite